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Jan. 12, 2024

#1 Vishal Patel - Chasing the Best Waves, Tuning Body, Mind, Life in Pursuit of Surf Excellence

#1 Vishal Patel - Chasing the Best Waves, Tuning Body, Mind, Life in Pursuit of Surf Excellence

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The first time I paddled out, I knew immediately that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life

Vishal is a talented surfer based out of San Diego, CA and chasing the best waves in California and beyond. Vishal and I met several years ago surfing at the beaches around San Francisco and I grew to deeply admire his work ethic and commitment to the sport.  It is inspiring to see how a kid from land-locked Toronto managed to discover the sport of surfing and has committed to putting in the time and hard work in becoming the best surfer he can be.

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00:00:05.719 --> 00:00:09.589
Welcome to the first episode of the Ageless Athlete Podcast.

00:00:10.589 --> 00:00:22.010
Where we aim to tease out the secrets of outdoor athletes who continue to crush their sports year after year, as they age in body, but not in mind or spirit.

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They break down barriers, challenge conventional wisdom, and defy their years as they continue to perform.

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At a high level.

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Society would tell us that once you turn an arbitrary number like 40, you're supposed to roll over and die.

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Kidding! I mean you're supposed to gradually decline.

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But not these folks.

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I have been rock climbing now for almost two decades.

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and also picked up surfing, et cetera, on the way.

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I love my sports and want to continue pushing myself and even excelling as I get older.

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Advancements in science.

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are allowing us to push ourselves to our fullest potential.

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And there are many around us who are showing us the way.

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The human body is infinitely capable, and there's inspiration all around us.

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I plan to uncover interesting stories, tap into secrets, and figure out other hacks that we can learn from.

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Would it not be amazing if we could all realize our full potential, do well with our scopes, and earn our breakfast with satisfied smiles.

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Hey, so for uh Everybody listening today, we have, uh, a friend and fellow surfer Vishal Patel, uh, uh, formerly from the Bay Area, but now is based in San Diego.

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Uh, and Vishal and I met, uh, met several years ago.

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Uh, and Vishal uh, remind me, uh, how we

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I remember the exact day we, we met.

00:02:11.080 --> 00:02:11.379
It was.

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Um, I think it was either.

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It was like a late summer afternoon.

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Um, I think we both paddled out because our mutual friend Manav paddled out, um, in the afternoon for a sunset session at Pacifica on the north end of Pacifica by the Rock.

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Um, and.

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it was starting to get super dark and you caught the second last wave in and I caught the wave in after that and that's how we met, you know, and we were stoked because like, you know, like that just elevated the whole sort of meeting and the experience and everything after that.

00:02:50.669 --> 00:02:51.689
Yeah, I know for sure,

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Like, uh, those, uh, those evening, summer sunset sessions at Pacifica, they were kind of magical, you know, used to be a small crew, small crew kind of.

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Trying to cast the last, last few ways before, uh, before we were called out for other views.

00:03:09.819 --> 00:03:12.379
It was super dark and there's no light left.

00:03:13.409 --> 00:03:15.060
Yeah, yeah, I remember that.

00:03:15.810 --> 00:03:19.590
Yeah, good times, but hey, since then I, you know, you've moved on to do other things.

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So, uh, so how is, uh, the surf in SoCal and, uh, and what brings you to O'ahu?

00:03:27.014 --> 00:03:41.514
Um, surf in SoCal has been consistent two to four foot all summer with, uh, with, with the exception of that, um, that sort of a super swell that came through a couple of weeks back.

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It's been, I would say like beginner to intermediate surfers dream.

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That's been the waves in North San Diego County, you know, basically all year so far.

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That's what it feels like anyway.

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Our water is warm.

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You can go in without a wetsuit.

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It's like 71 degrees, 72 degrees.

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Now, uh, it got, sometimes, so we had this, we had this, uh, upwelling, like, last week, when all of a sudden the water got cold again for a couple of days, um, and so I think it dropped to, like, 65, something like that, 64, 65, and everyone was complaining about it being cold, but they were still in their board shorts, because they were, like, They're gonna believe that it's 70.

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That's what we did.

00:04:32.800 --> 00:04:33.569
Oh, awesome.

00:04:33.699 --> 00:04:33.889
That's awesome.

00:04:33.889 --> 00:04:35.139
Yeah, it was good.

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Hey, so everybody, I wanted Vishal to join me, uh, in this episode because, uh, I've been a longtime fan of this guy, even though he doesn't know it.

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Uh, ever since we met many years ago, I have been, uh, continue to be inspired by his, uh, Vishal's commitment to improve as a human and as a surfer.

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You know, uh, we're almost the same age.

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I think he's a few years shy of me, but I, I, Early on, every time I would ask him for tips and every time I would like look at him in the water, he always had a plan, like I always felt like this guy surfed with intention and he looked after himself and he looked after his surfing and he pursued his goals with like this kind of quiet determination that, uh, I kind of grew to, uh, you know, grew to admire over time.

00:05:23.925 --> 00:05:29.884
So, uh, uh, Michelle, uh, first things first, uh, what brought you into this sport?

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Um, just this Labor Day weekend, 2009, I think.

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Um, a buddy of mine was a surfer.

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We decided to go down to Newport Beach.

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Um, I was interested in surfing.

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It just looked so cool, just looked so graceful.

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And I thought, give it a shot.

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So it goes and instantly fell in love.

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Didn't get up on the board for the first three days, basically Superman'd it, you know, but just the rush of getting launched was enough.

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Came back to the Bay Area, sold my convertible, bought a station wagon, bought a longboard, started going to Land O Mar every single day.

00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:17.879
And yeah, that's, that's pretty much how it got started.

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I have never been so sure that I wanted to do something for the rest of my life as I was when I started surfing.

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And, you know, and I had never been so sure.

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That I wanted to do something for the rest of my life before I found surfing.

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So I knew, you know, but once I found surfing, I knew what that feeling's like.

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So you kind of look for that feeling in many other things, you know, but yeah, that's how it started with surfing.

00:06:43.464 --> 00:06:44.514
So cool, Rashad.

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And, you know, I think I remember a comment by Laird Hamilton a long time ago, and he said that basically everybody's a surfer.

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The ones who don't surf yet are the ones who haven't, uh, discovered, discovered the sport yet.

00:06:59.060 --> 00:07:08.779
So, uh, yeah, and I think since then, like since, since you got that first rush, I think, uh, I can, I think similar to me, me in a way, I think it took me a little bit longer to commit to it, but.

00:07:09.805 --> 00:07:18.975
I think you decided to kind of take it on full in and I, I believe you moved, uh, to your past digs at Pacifica right by the water Rockaway.

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Like you were like, basically like a two minute walk from the, uh, the water from the break.

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That's right.

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00:07:26.560 --> 00:07:36.079
And, you know, I mean, Hey, I appreciate all the times I've, I've asked you over the years to give me the surf report and, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:07:36.629 --> 00:07:40.329
That's the, that's the perk of knowing somebody that lives by the beach, right?

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00:07:43.600 --> 00:07:48.759
Um, let's talk a little bit more about like, uh, how.

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surfing is for you today and what's your, uh, what's your routine like?

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So give me an idea of your, uh, of your daily routine and, uh, and how you look after, uh, yourself.

00:08:01.649 --> 00:08:06.170
On a good day, I wake up.

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At dawn, more or less.

00:08:10.345 --> 00:08:12.074
Um, warm up.

00:08:12.894 --> 00:08:15.774
Um, just a very simple sort of yoga routine.

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Do some sun salutations.

00:08:18.745 --> 00:08:25.404
Um, there's, there's this sort of body weight uh, routine that gymnasts do.

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That involves like a bunch of planks.

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Uh, a couple of felsets.

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Like just some simple things to basically, and some mobility work.

00:08:34.695 --> 00:08:35.875
Um, and so I do that.

00:08:36.825 --> 00:08:37.644
Surf is good.

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Drive down to surf.

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Surf, come back and then start the rest of the world.

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00:08:45.715 --> 00:08:51.164
You mentioned, uh, you know, gymnastic, uh, inspired, uh, mobility, routine, et cetera.

00:08:51.565 --> 00:08:54.164
Is that, uh, kind of what your background is?

00:08:54.164 --> 00:08:59.945
Did you Hey, I sometimes wish I had learned gymnastics as a kid because I think that would have made a lot, a lot of things simpler.

00:09:00.105 --> 00:09:01.414
So Oh, man.

00:09:01.485 --> 00:09:04.585
So did you, did you gymnastics, any other

00:09:04.585 --> 00:09:05.524

00:09:05.524 --> 00:09:10.804
I played every sport I could get into, you know.

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Maybe not competitively, um, but, you know, I moved around a lot when I was younger, um, right up until I moved to the Bay Area, actually, I moved around every, every couple of years, new city, new school, new house, new, new something, you know, um, and so it was a matter of finding whatever people played locally and then playing with them.

00:09:37.470 --> 00:09:55.774
So my, my, a lot of team sports, You know, um, soccer, football, basketball, all those things, just played all kinds of sports, swam a bunch in my teams, um, swam a bunch before I started surfing, actually, to prepare for surfing, believe it or not.

00:09:56.815 --> 00:10:05.095
It's like, okay, now that I like this sport, I'm going to swim for four months in the summer and then try to like, feel comfortable in the water again.

00:10:08.009 --> 00:10:11.259
But yeah, um, just played all kinds of sports.

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I did gymnastics for a summer back in like, I want to say like grade five, you know, but I don't think Like most of what I learned from that never transferred over there, you know, apart from like a little bit about the flexibility, but whatever I'm doing now is stuff I've learned about in the last, let's say, 10 years.

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00:10:41.554 --> 00:10:43.414
Just sort of independently discovered,

00:10:43.455 --> 00:10:43.774
you know.

00:10:44.115 --> 00:10:44.745
Got it.

00:10:44.904 --> 00:10:45.404
Got it.

00:10:45.434 --> 00:11:15.759
And, and, you know, like you said, like, What makes surfing very cool, but also difficult is there isn't really a training regimen that people can can kind of follow like there's not really a perfect science about it in terms of like advancements in In sort of let's say sports science or sports tech, you know, sports like climbing and surfing, they, they really lag behind, uh, the, the soccers and the footballs of the world.

00:11:16.039 --> 00:11:27.309
So, yeah, so often we have to, uh, you know, we have to be ourself, uh, uh, coaches and we have to come up with the drills and techniques and, uh, sometimes those can be borrowed.

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00:11:29.059 --> 00:11:32.450
And I think, you know, yeah.

00:11:32.450 --> 00:11:35.110
And I think a lot of the times for.

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For a lot of, for a lot of sports, a certain kind of physique gives you a certain advantage.

00:11:44.205 --> 00:11:55.884
Um, but if you look at surfing, then, you know, world champions have come along in all kinds of shapes.

00:11:56.695 --> 00:12:06.605
You know, there are short guys and tall guys, you know, you know, ripped guys and skinny guys, you know, and gals, right?

00:12:07.455 --> 00:12:09.845
And so it's, you're, you're right.

00:12:09.904 --> 00:12:11.100
Like there isn't like a.

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There isn't like a formula that builds a great server.

00:12:15.090 --> 00:12:17.519
Um, I think that's also true for soccer to some degree.

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Um, you know, you have some of the best people in the world being really short guys, but you know, being tall is definitely seen as an advantage, um, in certain positions, I think soccer.

00:12:33.360 --> 00:12:39.009
Just because as a sport, it's a little bit more established, it's significantly more established.

00:12:39.690 --> 00:12:59.809
You're right that a lot of the training regiments, what like, you know, the types of Um, strength and the types of like, you know, mobility and activity required to make a good soccer player are, you know, pretty well established at this point, right?

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00:13:01.100 --> 00:13:08.399
Surfing is, I think now, like a lot of things are coming together for surfing.

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Um, you know, last 15 years, 20 years, surfing has gotten closer to like, like, you know, people started to understand.

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at least the types of physiological abilities that would make a good surfer, like the kind of flexibility you need to be a good surfer, you know, the kind of stamina, you know, the kind of even capability as a waterman that would make for a good surfer and all those things.

00:13:44.475 --> 00:13:49.370
So those have been better understood in the last 20 years.

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And it's, it's just progressing and it's just progressing as more people get into it.

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Um, but yeah, before it was a little bit more of a dark, dark part, at least it feels that way, you know.

00:14:01.419 --> 00:14:04.690
Let's talk about, uh, your journey and, and maybe some goals.

00:14:04.750 --> 00:14:11.169
Uh, uh, let's first talk about like, uh, what are some of your goals with, uh, with surfing?

00:14:11.169 --> 00:14:16.544
So I would like to kind of Kind of understand like, uh, because I've seen you progress and get better.

00:14:17.184 --> 00:14:29.075
So one, I would like to sort of understand that second, I would like to get a little bit more into the meat of, uh, you know, meat of why we are here, which is like, how are you preparing yourself to be able to achieve those goals?

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00:14:31.860 --> 00:14:43.740
Um, goals as far as surfing go are to be able to surf, let's say, eight foot and below waves really, really well.

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That's the goal.

00:14:45.840 --> 00:14:50.740
Um, I don't have any, like, major aspirations to get, go airborne.

00:14:51.605 --> 00:15:21.875
You know, maybe, maybe, who knows, not right now, uh, but to surf like that sort of overhead to double overhead wave and below, all the way to one foot waves, just really well, look good on a wave, execute well, make the most out of what you, what you were given, that's the goal, and that's it, that's what I want to do, uh, you know, I want to enjoy surfing until I'm 95 or whatever.

00:15:22.465 --> 00:15:27.904
You know, whenever I drop dead, um, I want to be able to surf right up until then.

00:15:28.065 --> 00:15:35.684
So longevity is definitely, um, an aspiration, you know?

00:15:37.504 --> 00:15:40.644
Um, yeah, that's, that, those are the goals.

00:15:40.754 --> 00:15:52.075
What I've been doing, um, is Well, as you know, I used to have, or I still have some back issues, right?

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Um, and so I've, I've learned a lot about how to rehabilitate one's back and how to keep it strong.

00:16:00.409 --> 00:16:07.029
And, you know, uh, and that's sort of incorporated into my sort of morning warm up every day.

00:16:07.809 --> 00:16:08.370
I see.

00:16:10.340 --> 00:16:13.860
Apart from that, eating clean, staying active, drinking lots of water.

00:16:14.000 --> 00:16:15.519
What's your daily diet like?

00:16:17.019 --> 00:16:17.669

00:16:18.799 --> 00:16:32.399
I would say in a nutshell, uh, to not eat anything that is too high in sugar.

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And, um, we generally stay away from snacks.

00:16:38.875 --> 00:16:39.424

00:16:39.965 --> 00:16:40.294
Okay, that's

00:16:40.605 --> 00:16:41.294
pretty broad.

00:16:41.725 --> 00:16:42.134

00:16:42.235 --> 00:16:43.115
Don't eat Cheetos.

00:16:43.384 --> 00:16:46.914
You know, there's nothing alive inside a bag of Cheetos.

00:16:47.585 --> 00:16:47.965

00:16:47.965 --> 00:16:51.065
I try to eat things that still have life in them.

00:16:51.514 --> 00:16:51.794
Got it.

00:16:51.794 --> 00:16:52.725
So to speak.

00:16:52.725 --> 00:16:53.695

00:16:53.695 --> 00:16:53.965

00:16:53.965 --> 00:16:54.565
I know you're right.

00:16:54.575 --> 00:16:56.235
Like, uh, certainly.

00:16:56.235 --> 00:17:05.994
And I think like maybe eliminating all of those, all of those junk foods can make one vegetable, but like, uh, taking some of those, uh, those away can be good.

00:17:06.255 --> 00:17:11.035
I know in the past you have tried different kinds of like, uh, like performance diets.

00:17:11.075 --> 00:17:11.875
Any of them stuck?

00:17:12.744 --> 00:17:13.345
Oh, yeah.

00:17:13.345 --> 00:17:13.474

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00:17:13.605 --> 00:17:13.734

00:17:13.734 --> 00:17:13.865

00:17:14.025 --> 00:17:17.654
Dude, I have tried so many different diets.

00:17:18.275 --> 00:17:22.325
I've tried the low carb, I've tried the no carb, I've tried the carb only.

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I have tried, you know, uh, Being vegan, I have tried, I haven't tried the being a carnivore.

00:17:33.960 --> 00:17:44.880
I have not tried that, but I have reason, I have ethical reasons why I, personal ethical reasons why I don't, um, I'm not into the carnivore diet.

00:17:46.394 --> 00:17:49.045
But I've tried the, um, I've tried a bunch.

00:17:49.085 --> 00:18:16.944
I would say in terms of weight loss, um, low carb diet, eating basically low carb, giving up bread, sugar, um, potatoes, um, rice, I've tried All those things and basically sticking to mostly, for the most part, berries, vegetables, nuts, um, you know, those were sort of the three things I was, not only was I doing low carb, but I was doing it as a vegan.

00:18:17.795 --> 00:18:27.224
Um, that had sticking power in terms of performance diet goes that had the most amount of sticking power for me.

00:18:27.875 --> 00:18:30.464
Um, occasionally I'd eat like a piece of bread.

00:18:30.464 --> 00:18:35.654
So I wasn't like, I wasn't trying to like be in ketosis or anything.

00:18:35.654 --> 00:18:36.474
I was just trying to.

00:18:37.109 --> 00:18:44.970
Like, you know, absolutely minimize carbon take, you know, um, within reason, I suppose.

00:18:45.240 --> 00:18:45.569

00:18:46.680 --> 00:18:54.859
Um, and I would say that one had some staying power because of it's almost immediate results.

00:18:55.319 --> 00:18:55.730

00:18:56.609 --> 00:19:07.569
I started losing weight right away, like literally within like a couple of days, I was losing like a half a pound here and a quarter pound there and just, it was just going down steadily.

00:19:08.319 --> 00:19:10.460
I love, and I felt great.

00:19:10.970 --> 00:19:29.750
I was wide awake the whole time, like no more, you know, as it is, I never drank much coffee, but I would wake up wide awake, you know, I'm absolutely energetic, no problems all day, never not drowsy after lunch.

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You know, alert, alert, alert, right up until the moment I need to go to sleep and then I pass out hard.

00:19:36.065 --> 00:19:36.414

00:19:36.414 --> 00:19:39.375
And how did that affect your, uh, your surfing?

00:19:40.065 --> 00:19:41.595
Um, it was good.

00:19:41.914 --> 00:19:52.025
Didn't, I mean, you know, uh, it, I would say the, the big benefit for surfing came from, um, losing weight.

00:19:52.670 --> 00:19:54.119
in that particular scenario.

00:19:54.119 --> 00:20:00.650
And I didn't lose, I wasn't any weaker as a result of that diet.

00:20:00.710 --> 00:20:02.140
I didn't feel any weaker anyway.

00:20:02.509 --> 00:20:02.869

00:20:03.380 --> 00:20:07.119
Um, and so the big benefit over there came from losing weight.

00:20:07.755 --> 00:20:24.244
Um, I've always had like, uh, I mean, I wouldn't say I'm like a big guy, but I've always had that, like, how do I get past that last 15 percent of fat, you know, that I would like to lose to like be super lean.

00:20:24.325 --> 00:20:26.204
That has always been an issue for me.

00:20:26.454 --> 00:20:26.724

00:20:26.755 --> 00:20:36.335
And I've actually noticed that whenever I get closer to losing that fat, oddly enough, my surfing performance improves.

00:20:37.454 --> 00:20:37.845
You know,

00:20:37.984 --> 00:20:38.305
got it.

00:20:38.444 --> 00:20:38.894
Got it.

00:20:38.904 --> 00:20:39.505
Makes sense.

00:20:39.625 --> 00:20:39.815

00:20:39.815 --> 00:20:48.375
The more focused you are, the more, uh, dedicated you are and sort of like, uh, are able to lose that weight and

00:20:49.065 --> 00:20:54.105
maybe, maybe it just has to do with like, you know, being dedicated to all the other things that come with it.

00:20:54.174 --> 00:21:06.325
Like, you know, you're suddenly eating clean and because you're focused on eating clean, you're also like, you know, getting the right amount of activity, the right amount of water and all these things, you know, just everything's coming together.

00:21:06.325 --> 00:21:08.470
Um, To then translate to better serving.

00:21:08.859 --> 00:21:09.430
For sure.

00:21:09.500 --> 00:21:10.539
I'm not going to deny that.

00:21:10.990 --> 00:21:18.869
So I'd say the biggest outcome of like cutting down on carbs for me was, was a fat loss.

00:21:19.349 --> 00:21:19.630

00:21:19.630 --> 00:21:23.869
I mean, obviously you've made some strong sort of commitments to your diet.

00:21:24.980 --> 00:21:35.930
Another thing to kind of look at is like, Hey, any kind of, uh, focus on, on, on, on, on one sort of core activity, you know, doesn't come without sacrifice.

00:21:36.029 --> 00:21:38.480
Uh, I've certainly made sacrifices in my life.

00:21:38.829 --> 00:21:40.789
Uh, to pursue climbing and surfing.

00:21:40.809 --> 00:21:48.329
And if you look at any athlete, right, beyond their performances, uh, there's obviously a lot of sacrifice that has gone in.

00:21:48.349 --> 00:22:01.089
So what are some of the sacrifices that you have made in your, uh, in your life, uh, to be able to, uh, to, to, to, to pursue, uh, your passion for, uh, surfing at a high level?

00:22:01.990 --> 00:22:02.509

00:22:03.865 --> 00:22:20.234
Outside of choices, um, I made the choice to always live near the ocean, um, and that's expensive, you know, in this day and age, um, and especially if you want to live near the ocean and work for an American company.

00:22:21.305 --> 00:22:38.335
Um, you know, then, then your choices are, you know, somewhere in California or somewhere on the West Coast, maybe Florida, if they're surf up there, you know, depending on the season, and then Hawaii, there aren't.

00:22:39.894 --> 00:22:43.164
And so, and none of those are particularly cheap.

00:22:44.144 --> 00:23:15.325
Um, so I think that, that was one of the bigger ones, um, that I, and, you know, so that was a personal choice and then I'd say sacrifices are like, you know, you have to justify that choice to people that want, that want you to live closer to them, you know, be it my, my family, my parents, whatever, and you have to say, sorry, you know, this is something I do, this is something I'm going to keep doing.

00:23:15.974 --> 00:23:24.045
So, unless you want to move to where I am, we're probably not going to be living with each other.

00:23:25.285 --> 00:23:26.704
So, yeah, those, yeah.

00:23:27.144 --> 00:23:28.595
Yeah, no, thanks for sharing that.

00:23:28.755 --> 00:23:30.394
Uh, yeah, those are real.

00:23:31.115 --> 00:23:34.414
Uh, now I would like to ask a different kind of question.

00:23:35.394 --> 00:23:39.694
So, imagine you were meeting the 25 year old Vishal.

00:23:41.394 --> 00:23:43.894
What are maybe, uh, two things you would tell?

00:23:44.490 --> 00:23:56.339
that person on things they could change so that they would be able to, uh, to achieve their goals.

00:23:59.319 --> 00:23:59.400

00:23:59.410 --> 00:24:00.160
fun story.

00:24:00.230 --> 00:24:04.319
I actually started surfing when I was 21, right?

00:24:04.809 --> 00:24:09.160
So if I were to meet 25 year old me, I would tell him to go surfing right away.

00:24:10.039 --> 00:24:21.680
You know, um, I think the younger you are with a sport, with any sport that you truly look passionate about, um, you learn faster and get better faster if you're focused.

00:24:22.265 --> 00:24:27.505
Right, so I would have definitely said start, start surfing.

00:24:27.984 --> 00:24:37.164
Um, I would have highly suggested moving to Southern California sooner than I did.

00:24:38.174 --> 00:24:39.694
The water temperature, Kush, makes.

00:24:40.259 --> 00:24:41.369
Such a huge difference.

00:24:41.369 --> 00:24:42.500
I can't understate it.

00:24:42.579 --> 00:25:00.339
I know that, like, we used to surf almost every day, sometimes, in Northern California, so it didn't stop us, of course, but, you know, there were certainly days in the winter when it was like 49 degrees in the water and some icicles on the sand and you're like, what am I doing here?

00:25:00.970 --> 00:25:03.035
And then you're swearing for the first 10 minutes.

00:25:03.065 --> 00:25:05.075
'cause your whole body needs to get used to everything.

00:25:05.555 --> 00:25:07.684
None of that is a problem in Southern California.

00:25:08.894 --> 00:25:16.414
And so I would've told younger me to move a little bit sooner than I ended up moving.

00:25:17.454 --> 00:25:22.984
Um, those are two I would've told'em to start surfing and told move.

00:25:23.015 --> 00:25:27.670
So cal move to where like, the best people of your sport are Got it.

00:25:27.670 --> 00:25:27.910
You know?

00:25:27.910 --> 00:25:27.912
Got it.

00:25:28.394 --> 00:25:33.525
If you, if you, if you like, if you want, if you're serious about a sport, then go where there are good players.

00:25:34.470 --> 00:25:39.299
in your sport and you will learn so much faster just by watching, just by being around.

00:25:39.470 --> 00:25:41.220
That, that's, that's certainly true.

00:25:41.619 --> 00:25:55.750
Given that my focus is on, uh, on climbing, uh, right now, um, I, I certainly think about doing that, moving to a different place where, uh, you know, where the energy is, where the inspiration is, where the community is, uh, absolutely.

00:25:55.789 --> 00:25:56.140

00:25:56.190 --> 00:25:59.519
Rather be there than be an outlier, uh, somewhere else.

00:26:00.140 --> 00:26:06.940
And just last question, before we wrap this up, uh, What is, uh, the next certification you hope to be on?

00:26:09.039 --> 00:26:11.380
I've been thinking about Costa Rica a lot, man.

00:26:12.930 --> 00:26:25.200
We should, you know, um, take some, some, take like a week long trip to Costa Rica, go to a school, you know, work on weaknesses, enjoy the amazing food.

00:26:25.730 --> 00:26:26.140

00:26:26.259 --> 00:26:29.279
So it may actually end up being Costa Rica for surfing.

00:26:30.625 --> 00:26:30.954

00:26:30.984 --> 00:26:32.295
I highly recommend

00:26:32.295 --> 00:26:32.515

00:26:32.595 --> 00:26:35.795
Um, I've been there maybe like three times now.

00:26:36.275 --> 00:26:37.085
No kidding.

00:26:37.154 --> 00:26:37.744

00:26:37.805 --> 00:26:43.184
And especially for a, uh, for a goofy footed surfer like yourself.

00:26:43.605 --> 00:26:44.125

00:26:44.474 --> 00:26:52.765
The, the, the place I really recommend that you visit and you'll have to get like the timing right with the season is, uh, a place called Pavonis.

00:26:54.285 --> 00:26:58.055
It's like close to the southern most tip of, uh, of Costa Rica.

00:26:58.875 --> 00:27:01.154
It's an incredible left hander.

00:27:02.390 --> 00:27:02.980

00:27:03.000 --> 00:27:13.390
Yeah, it can go for like, uh, I think it can go for like several hundred yards if you, if you get it on the right swell and the right, uh, on the right wind.

00:27:13.829 --> 00:27:26.180
And the other thing I liked about Pavonis is, uh, a lot of Costa Rica unfortunately has been, uh, has been taken over by by, uh, tourism, right?

00:27:26.240 --> 00:27:34.299
Um, so places feel kind of very gringified, so to speak, but Pavone still feels more authentic.

00:27:34.819 --> 00:27:51.740
And just as a fun fact, like I remember that one trip, my, my, my, my, my last trip there, when I did visit Pavone, I was there in Costa Rica for like nine days and I was only in Pavone for two days, but I spoke more Spanish in those two days than the other rest of the other week.

00:27:52.279 --> 00:28:04.160
When we were in like Dominical and another town where unfortunately I was only interacting with other travelers, but I showed up in Tavones and it started with Qué pasa?

00:28:04.160 --> 00:28:07.549
and Cómo es las olas?

00:28:07.549 --> 00:28:09.150
and like, yeah, it was great.

00:28:09.150 --> 00:28:10.690
So I highly recommend.

00:28:11.505 --> 00:28:11.815

00:28:11.904 --> 00:28:13.164
pretty cool down there.

00:28:13.224 --> 00:28:16.224
You were fully embedded for, uh, for the last two days.

00:28:16.224 --> 00:28:16.625

00:28:16.625 --> 00:28:16.924

00:28:16.924 --> 00:28:19.724
Hey, so much, man.

00:28:19.724 --> 00:28:24.315
I know you're in, uh, the, the, the birthplace of surfing there in Oahu.

00:28:24.375 --> 00:28:28.315
So I will not keep you much longer from your, uh, from the evening session.

00:28:28.365 --> 00:28:29.894
So great that you came onto the show.

00:28:30.035 --> 00:28:30.484
Thank you.

00:28:31.144 --> 00:28:31.845
Cheers, man.

00:28:32.005 --> 00:28:32.565

00:28:32.785 --> 00:28:33.325