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May 2, 2024

#19 Lionel Conacher - Making History as the Oldest Rookie at Mavericks, "The Mount Everest" of Big Wave Surfing

#19 Lionel Conacher - Making History as the Oldest Rookie at Mavericks,

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🌊"The biggest thing that impacts you when you first go out there, before I even surfed it, I just went out on a on a jet skiΒ  and sat there and watched, is the sound it makes when it breaks...its terrifying" πŸ„πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

At the age of 59 years and 8 months, Conacher became the oldest person in the world to surf Maverick's 🌊, the "Mount Everest of surfing" πŸ”οΈ one of the most challenging and dangerous surf breaks in the world, located near Half Moon Bay, California.Β 

What makes Conacher's feat truly astonishing is the fact that he didn't start surfing until his 50s, wow! 🀯 Most accomplished big wave surfers start from a very young age, honing their skills over decades of experience. For Conacher to achieve this milestone at an age when most people are contemplating retirement is nothing short of extraordinary. πŸ’ͺ

Tune in for:

  • Scene by scene account of what it takes to paddle into 30-40 foot waves 🌊🌊🌊, from an 'ordinary' surfer's point of view
  • Training to survive hold-downs 20 feet under cold water 😫
  • Finding balance with a grueling career as a Wall Street banker "plan your vacations first…"? πŸ¦πŸ’°
  • Strategies on finding the perfect mentor / coach and community to fuel the journey πŸ§‘β€πŸ«πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘
  • Setting audacious goals, and the dedication and joy that follows 🎯😁
  • Finally, my favorite, wear the 'Vulnerable Adult Learner' label with pride πŸ‘΄πŸ„

The Inertia: "How I Became the Oldest Person in the World to Surf Maverick’s for the First Time" by Lionel Conacher (March 29, 2023). Link to Article.

Bianca Valenti - Reknowned big wave surfer and Lionel's coach who prepared him for Mavericks Link to Website

Barbarian Days by William Finnegan: This Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir explores the author's lifelong passion for surfing and his experiences at various surf breaks around the world. Link to Book

BWRAG (Big Wave Risk Assessment Group): This organization provides safety training and education for big wave surfers. Link to Website

Patagonia PSI Vest: This inflatable vest is a crucial safety tool for big wave surfers, providing buoyancy in case of wipeouts and hold-downs. Link to Product

Surfline: This website provides surf forecasts, live cams, and other resources for surfers. Link to Website

Rob Case Paddle Surf: Rob Case is a renowned surf coach who offers instruction on paddling technique and pop-up mechanics. Link to Website

DMC Fins: Lionel mentioned this brand of surf helmets, which he wears for safety during his sessions.

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00:00:04.993 --> 00:00:09.342
Folks gathered around and welcome back to the Asian athletes podcast.

00:00:09.702 --> 00:00:10.542
This is your host.

00:00:11.292 --> 00:00:14.262
I'll speak to you from sunny San Francisco, California.

00:00:14.862 --> 00:00:19.992
Bringing you epic tales of age, defying limit pushing adventurers.

00:00:20.413 --> 00:00:23.682
Doing remarkable things in the great outdoors.

00:00:24.432 --> 00:00:26.713
The anticipation of today's recording.

00:00:26.922 --> 00:00:28.242
Give me goosebumps.

00:00:28.812 --> 00:00:34.273
I was reliving my own surfing beginnings as I prepared and met with Nature.

00:00:34.872 --> 00:00:43.872
Who at 60 was the oldest two w at Mavericks, one of the biggest and most data fighting big waves worldwide.

00:00:44.773 --> 00:00:51.162
While hat has no desire or expertise to surf big waves, just like Lionel.

00:00:51.222 --> 00:00:55.993
I did learn to serve in the cold waters around the San Francisco bay area.

00:00:56.503 --> 00:00:58.182
He just took it so much further.

00:00:58.926 --> 00:01:03.676
Most of the best surfers around learn surfing as kids.

00:01:04.156 --> 00:01:07.516
Just like the disciplines of gymnastics.

00:01:07.996 --> 00:01:10.667
Or say ballet surfing rewards.

00:01:11.296 --> 00:01:12.316
Early learning.

00:01:13.307 --> 00:01:17.387
So it is really astonishing that he did not.

00:01:18.257 --> 00:01:19.096
Start surfing.

00:01:19.427 --> 00:01:21.167
Until his fifties.

00:01:21.856 --> 00:01:23.147
Less than a decade ago.

00:01:23.927 --> 00:01:26.775
Lionel is a true ageless athlete.

00:01:27.263 --> 00:01:28.102
We will learn.

00:01:28.643 --> 00:01:32.183
From his beginnings as a competitive decathlete.

00:01:32.212 --> 00:01:36.412
And as yet, To participating in the world, triathlon championships.

00:01:36.893 --> 00:01:40.522
To riding in the tour de France to completing.

00:01:40.912 --> 00:01:43.852
Ultra endurance mountain biking races.

00:01:44.313 --> 00:01:47.072
For every decade of his life, since his twenties.

00:01:47.643 --> 00:01:52.352
He has set a monumental goal and then gone out and achieved it.

00:01:53.132 --> 00:01:57.962
Unbelievably, he did all of this while working as an investment banker.

00:01:58.563 --> 00:02:03.882
In wall street, not the cushiest of careers to allow for such explorations.

00:02:04.215 --> 00:02:05.234
In the outdoors.

00:02:05.989 --> 00:02:10.550
I absolutely loved this conversation and hope you will as well.

00:02:11.960 --> 00:02:14.569
I really appreciate you tuning in France.

00:02:15.110 --> 00:02:16.759
I would really love it.

00:02:17.030 --> 00:02:20.780
If you would leave a rating and a review in your podcast app.

00:02:21.349 --> 00:02:22.939
It will only take a minute.

00:02:23.763 --> 00:02:24.723
It really helps.

00:02:25.022 --> 00:02:26.372
Others discover.

00:02:26.943 --> 00:02:28.497
And learn from.

00:02:28.706 --> 00:02:29.960
these Asia's athletes.

00:02:33.592 --> 00:02:37.152
Hi Lionel, great to have you on Ageless Athlete.

00:02:37.902 --> 00:02:45.021
you tell us where are you, where you're from, and what did you have for breakfast today?

00:02:47.981 --> 00:02:49.502
Well, hi, and thanks for having me.

00:02:49.997 --> 00:02:54.157
uh, what I had for breakfast, I had, I had for breakfast, what I have every single day.

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I have a Crispix cereal with brand buds and a sliced banana and fresh raspberries and two cups of coffee and one glass of orange juice.

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And I have that same thing every single day.

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And when I travel, I bring, I bring brand buds with me.

00:03:11.316 --> 00:03:18.336
get whatever the local cereal is, but I always try and I always try and keep my eating very, very consistent no matter where I am.

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Traditions are great and being able to enjoy one's breakfast regardless.

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you eat before your morning surf or after?

00:03:28.290 --> 00:03:29.070
Always before.

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00:03:31.621 --> 00:03:35.681
I know a lot of people don't like, like surfing on a, on a full stomach.

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I think it's cause I, you know, did cycling for such a long time and, and.

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And was, you know, very tuned into making sure that I was fueled properly.

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So I didn't balk.

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And, you know, when, when you're out surfing, you know, I'm, I'm normally out there for, you know, at least an hour and sometimes as long as three hours.

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You know, you, you've got no access to water typically when you're out there.

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So I, I just always make sure that I'm properly fueled before I go out.

00:04:10.882 --> 00:04:11.271

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We will hopefully get time to dive a bit into your nutrition practices.

00:04:17.137 --> 00:04:21.466
But again, I'm really excited to have you on the show.

00:04:21.497 --> 00:04:29.427
I feel this is going to be a very enlightening episode for me being a local Bay Area surfer myself.

00:04:29.992 --> 00:04:38.702
the chance to learn from your, from, from your background and how you managed to, uh, take your, uh, learnings and go and surf, uh, Mavericks.

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Let's jump right in.

00:04:41.430 --> 00:04:48.930
Can you paint a picture Lionel of what a wave like Mavericks actually looks like?

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looks like up close and then, yeah.

00:04:53.221 --> 00:05:01.721
How does it compare to the usual, uh, beach breaks an average person might be more familiar with?

00:05:03.026 --> 00:05:04.887
it's way bigger than you think it is.

00:05:05.497 --> 00:05:15.572
I think the first time I was out there, Mavericks typically doesn't break unless it's about a 20 foot face.

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what I've learned over the last couple of years is that it, it takes some combination of, swell size and period to break.

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that is greater than 20.

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It, it feels really big.

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compared to anything else, even the biggest, days at Ocean Beach.

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You can get a 20 foot face at Ocean Beach for sure.

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but for some reason Mavericks just feels bigger and more powerful and, just a lot more energy in, in, in terms of how, how it breaks.

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And, and it's such a, Wedge, um, of water.

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you know, the reef is down, I think around 20, 22 feet, something like that.

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And so, takes quite a, quite a swell before we'll, we'll start, we'll start to break, but like, like Jaws and like Nazare, the way the, uh, Topography underneath the ocean works with a canyon coming into a, reef.

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it allows Mavericks to get very, very big without closing out.

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in my experience and when it's huge, like it was at Christmas time this year, and you can only tow it, you know, when they were towing it Um, you know, when it was probably 50 feet face size, the, the, the biggest thing I, you know, and I've said this to everybody, the biggest thing that impacts you when you first go out there, certainly when, when I first went out there.

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Before I even surfed it, I just went out on a, on a jet ski and sat there and watched, is the sound it makes when it breaks the sound is huge and, and it's indescribable.

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And, and it's, it's, it's scary.

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The sound is scary.

00:06:58.291 --> 00:07:02.052
Um, so that, that would be the thing.

00:07:02.497 --> 00:07:10.466
That I would say that, that, you know, anybody that I, that, that I know that's gone out there for the first time, everybody's impacted by the sound it makes when it breaks

00:07:11.336 --> 00:07:13.225
Mostly my.

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recounts, or let's say my, um, understanding of the wave is from the words of, uh, pro surfers talking about the wave in videos.

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And they sound humbled by that same staggering scale of both the size and the sound.

00:07:34.033 --> 00:07:41.403
So hearing it from somebody who is, let's say, not quite a pro yet is, uh, is, is uniquely insightful.

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and never will be a problem, by the way.

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Let me ask this question.

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I have paddle out at ocean beach, which is our local beach in San Francisco, which can also be fairly scary and kind of intense, obviously.

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not on the biggest days.

00:07:58.117 --> 00:08:02.898
Maybe my biggest days out there would be like a double overhead day.

00:08:03.408 --> 00:08:10.987
Some ways, maybe a little bit bigger and just those days compared to, let's say a shoulder height day can be intense.

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I'm guessing you must also have paddled out at OB on those bigger days.

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Can you describe.

00:08:19.367 --> 00:08:32.758
Even that difference, uh, Lionel, which is surfing ocean beach at like a double overhead day, like a bigger day versus being at Mavericks on a 20 foot or greater day.

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so this may surprise you, but there's a group of us that are in our sixties that surf Mavericks is probably six or seven guys, that they're all in their sixties that surf Mavericks and, and I'm the noobie in that group.

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most of those guys have surfed it for, you know, 30 plus years.

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and, uh, you know, Christie Davis who surfed it, for probably 35 years, um, surfed it at age 70 last year.

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I think he's probably the oldest guy to ever surf Mavericks.

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and as soon as he did it, he, he moved up to Humboldt and he said he'd never surf Mavericks again, uh, after he did it.

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but that group of guys would all tell you.

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That they would rather surf Mavericks than surf Ocean Beach on a big day.

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cause as you know, paddling out, to get to the outside break at Ocean Beach on a big day, unless the period's really long and you've got a lot of time between sets.

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Is one of the hardest things to do in surfing in the world, I think, and, and I, and I, you know, had, had the pleasure of having had the opportunity to serve a lot of the North Shore and sort of big sunset and, and surf, and, there are very few places in the world that are as hairy to get out.

00:09:50.964 --> 00:10:19.927
As as Ocean Beach you know, what's it, I mean, the paddle out to Mavericks is a long paddle and, you know, it takes usually 30, 30, 35 minutes, something like that to get out if you're going the long way, or if you're going the short way, it takes about 20 minutes, but other than being a long paddle, it's not particularly hard to get out there, and then I would say the biggest, Difference is Mavericks is is because it's a point break is way more organized than the notion beaches.

00:10:20.712 --> 00:10:28.059
I think that the consequences that at Ocean Beach can be, probably as severe as Mavericks.

00:10:28.059 --> 00:10:31.779
And I mean, you got a lot more water moving around and in a lot different ways.

00:10:31.909 --> 00:10:44.956
And, and even and even at at sunset on a big day, I've had, I had my worst hold down I've ever had anywhere at Sunset, um, not at Mavericks and, and I've fallen plenty at Mavericks.

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I mean, I've, I've had, I probably, I think I've probably done 25 sessions at Mavericks over the last three years.

00:10:53.941 --> 00:10:54.541

00:10:55.173 --> 00:10:59.383
without a doubt, the worst hold down I ever had was at Sunset Beach.

00:10:59.383 --> 00:11:08.049
I had a two way fold down at Sunset Beach and I wasn't wearing my Patagonia vest and I was, yeah, that was gnarly.

00:11:09.139 --> 00:11:15.029
And I've been, you know, that includes, I like, I've been, I've been washed through, through the boneyard at Mavericks on, on a big day.

00:11:15.110 --> 00:11:21.889
Um, and, and the worst, the worst experience that I had was it was at sunset for sure.

00:11:22.860 --> 00:11:46.535
And, and I, and I think that the, you know, Ocean Beach, Sometimes on big days, I paddle out at ocean beach and I see, I see people out there and not that I'm anyone to talk cause I'm, I'm still, you know, a relatively new surfer, but, um, but I see some people that have paddled out or try to paddle out on big days at ocean beach and you just shake their head cause they shouldn't be there.

00:11:46.605 --> 00:12:03.740
They shouldn't be doing what they're, you know, and, and, and as, as I'm sure, you know, we have, Usually one to two drownings a year at Ocean Beach and, and typically it's a surfer and it's somebody who's, you know, who's just underestimated the power of the ocean out there.

00:12:03.809 --> 00:12:11.090
Um, you know, a big day at Ocean Beach, there's a lot of water moving around and a lot of rip tides going every which way.

00:12:11.090 --> 00:12:12.299
And it's, you know.

00:12:12.634 --> 00:12:13.445
I don't need to tell you.

00:12:13.445 --> 00:12:15.095
You're, you're, you're well familiar with it.

00:12:15.095 --> 00:12:18.264
It, it, it can be, it, it can be scary for sure,

00:12:18.879 --> 00:12:28.143
Thanks for, uh, describing the, uh, let's see the differences between surfing at other places.

00:12:28.623 --> 00:12:48.313
like Ocean Beach and also at Mavericks and uh, despite whatever, you know, you have said about Mavericks perhaps being more approachable in some ways, you have not convinced me yet to join you on your, on your next session at, at, Mavericks.

00:12:51.308 --> 00:13:03.649
Yeah, I would love to actually go deeper into the day when you made your debut as the, um, older surfer to, uh, paddle out at Mavericks.

00:13:04.601 --> 00:13:16.461
Take us through how you decided what was the right day and time to paddle out on, and then also a little bit into your pre surf ritual.

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Food, gear checks.

00:13:21.282 --> 00:13:25.251
Maybe any mental prep that happened that day.

00:13:25.741 --> 00:13:35.206
Maybe you meditated and then, uh, geared up and got ready to paddle out, would love for you to take us through that.

00:13:35.626 --> 00:13:35.917

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and firstly, just, just to clarify, so, I, I believe, and, and I've talked to everybody that, that has surfed Mavericks for a long time, that I was the oldest person to surf Mavericks for the first time.

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So I was, I was 59 and a half, when I first caught a, a successful wave at Mavericks.

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And, that was after starting, I, I started surfing, um, when I was about 53 and, and I decided to, to surf Mavericks in my 60th year because, um, in my life, I've always, on, on, on my big decade birthdays, I've always decided to do something.

00:14:16.344 --> 00:14:18.163
a big physical challenge.

00:14:18.224 --> 00:14:23.823
And, um, and previously it had been primarily in the cycling realm.

00:14:24.287 --> 00:14:35.909
for my, uh, 50th birthday, I, rode Leadville, um, which, which is the highest mountain bike race in the world, 103 miles, all above 10, 000 feet.

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and then when I was 40, I did seven straight days of the Tour de France.

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And when I was 30, I competed in the world triathlon championships.

00:14:46.764 --> 00:14:52.263
and then prior to that, I was, a, uh, uh, decathlete and, and then also play football in college.

00:14:52.312 --> 00:15:02.452
And, so I've always chosen to do on big decade birthdays, a physical challenge, and I'd been fascinated with Mavericks before I started surfing, actually.

00:15:02.898 --> 00:15:06.668
I used to go down and when I first moved to San Francisco, I'd go down and watch the competitions.

00:15:06.668 --> 00:15:13.927
And I, I, I just, for some reason, it, it got into my imagination, um, as something amazing.

00:15:14.748 --> 00:15:31.403
And, so I decided to do it and I hired a coach, a woman named Bianca Valenti, who I'm sure you, if you don't know her, you've seen Bianca, uh, around ocean beach and she's, she's kind of queen of ocean beach and she's queen of Mavericks.

00:15:31.918 --> 00:15:39.648
I asked her whether she would, um, would coach me after, a long interview, she finally decided that she, that she would, she would agree to coach me.

00:15:39.648 --> 00:15:48.418
And so, so she and I started working, together in, uh, March of 2021.

00:15:50.631 --> 00:15:53.379
and she made me do all kinds of things.

00:15:53.379 --> 00:15:58.250
We did, you know, two, uh, two day breath hold coaching sessions.

00:15:58.320 --> 00:16:05.232
And we did a paddle from, from Cronkite to Sausalito, nine mile paddle.

00:16:05.232 --> 00:16:08.284
And we did, all kinds of training at Ocean Beach.

00:16:09.125 --> 00:16:14.144
And on bigger days and then, um, down at Scott's Creek on bigger days.

00:16:14.144 --> 00:16:23.865
And, and then, and then also down at, at, uh, steamer lane on, on big days, all, all with the goal of preparing to, to, to be able to serve Mavericks.

00:16:23.865 --> 00:16:35.807
And we went out and did, whole bunch of, of, uh, safety stuff, jet ski safety stuff, we did, a two day safety summit, Maverick safety summit, um, with all the, all the regular guys.

00:16:36.297 --> 00:17:01.649
so I put about, you know, before, before I actually paddled out for the very first time with the intention of trying to surf Mavericks, which would have been in November of, um, 2021, I'd done a lot of work and, you know, I spent the entire summer, up at my, my summer home in Canada, prone paddling, you know, paddling a couple of miles a day, every day.

00:17:01.649 --> 00:17:15.657
And, when I actually went out to try and surf Mavericks and I, I did probably five sessions where I attempted to catch waves and fell and wasn't successful.

00:17:15.912 --> 00:17:22.048
and I, and I would say that, and I've said this to a number of people who are surfing Mavericks for the first time.

00:17:22.518 --> 00:17:24.438
The best thing you can do is fall.

00:17:24.577 --> 00:17:28.758
The earlier you fall, the more you realize, okay, this is what I'm in for.

00:17:29.077 --> 00:17:33.939
and you can kind of take the, the worry of what's going to happen.

00:17:33.939 --> 00:17:39.288
And, and when I fell the first time, you know, I had a, you know, decently long hold down.

00:17:40.028 --> 00:17:44.028
I was very, very confident in my ability to hold my breath.

00:17:44.028 --> 00:17:51.365
I mean, in my, In the breath hold work we did, I got, I got up to four minutes, holding my breath on static lying face down in the pool.

00:17:51.556 --> 00:17:59.444
and what they say is that if you can, you know, hold your breath for, for four minutes, then active, you, you can probably do half.

00:17:59.541 --> 00:18:11.597
and, you know, in the longest hold down, you know, if you had a three wave hold down at Mavericks even if it was on a 20 second period day, the longest you're going to be underwater is a minute.

00:18:12.353 --> 00:18:14.583
Which is a tremendously long time.

00:18:14.583 --> 00:18:15.373
Don't get me wrong.

00:18:15.593 --> 00:18:21.173
Particularly when you're getting thrashed around and you're, you get pushed down 20 feet and you're underwater and everything.

00:18:21.173 --> 00:18:23.633
And you don't know which way is up and it's black and everything.

00:18:24.123 --> 00:18:32.787
But, but if, if you've done the work and you know that you can hold your breath for, for four minutes in a static position.

00:18:33.272 --> 00:18:36.333
you can probably hold your breath for two minutes in an active position.

00:18:36.833 --> 00:18:39.833
even if your lungs are screaming when you're at a minute.

00:18:39.833 --> 00:18:39.928
That's it.

00:18:40.288 --> 00:18:41.327
You still got some time.

00:18:42.028 --> 00:18:42.978
You're not going to black out.

00:18:42.978 --> 00:18:43.248
You're good.

00:18:43.248 --> 00:18:45.827
You know, you're, you're, you know, so, so you've got time.

00:18:46.048 --> 00:18:56.642
The longest hold down, I think I probably have ever had, which was, which was when I was at, sunset is like maybe 30, 30, 32 seconds.

00:18:57.061 --> 00:18:59.461
I count, they tell you not to count, but I always count.

00:18:59.461 --> 00:19:00.382
I count Tacomas.

00:19:00.642 --> 00:19:06.469
cause I've got, little friend of mine, Aaron Brooks, who's a, uh, She's, she's an amazing surfer.

00:19:06.472 --> 00:19:09.834
and, she told me that the kids in Hawaii all count Tacomas.

00:19:09.854 --> 00:19:11.923
They, they practice when they're driving around.

00:19:11.923 --> 00:19:14.805
And, you know, when, when I was a kid, we used to play Volkswagen.

00:19:14.805 --> 00:19:18.144
You used to count count Volkswagen Beals when you're driving on a long drive.

00:19:18.144 --> 00:19:27.763
And, and they, they do a variation of that game where they, The first Tacoma they see, they hold their breath, and they have to count 10 Tacomas before they can take another breath.

00:19:28.034 --> 00:19:38.794
But there's Tacomas all over the place in Hawaii, so, you know, you could be holding your breath for 15 seconds, or you could be holding your breath for a minute, but, you know, probably not longer than a minute.

00:19:38.794 --> 00:19:43.263
So, anyway, I count Tacomas whenever I fall.

00:19:44.048 --> 00:19:52.928
and I know that if, you know, if I'm at 20 Tacomas, I've got a good 30 or 40 more Tacomas in me before I got any issues.

00:19:53.009 --> 00:19:55.298
it's a way to help me stay very calm.

00:19:55.703 --> 00:19:59.733
you know, one of the sayings in big wave surfing is panic equals death.

00:19:59.844 --> 00:20:05.804
And so it's really important, no matter what's happening, to stay calm and not panic.

00:20:06.275 --> 00:20:25.345
and so all of that's background to, you know, when I first paddled out there and first tried to catch, um, a wave there, I fell, I, I fell probably on the first six waves that I tried to catch and had, you know, varying degrees of hold downs and because of the preparation I'd done.

00:20:25.674 --> 00:20:30.365
I was fine and I've actually never pulled my my CO2 cartridge at Mavericks.

00:20:30.864 --> 00:20:37.013
I, I've been under for a long time, but I've never felt the need to, to pull the, to pull the cartridge, uh, to get to the top.

00:20:37.925 --> 00:20:48.223
that, that was kind of my, my, first experience that Bianca was very, um, strict with me and 10 still is, um, some, sometimes.

00:20:48.632 --> 00:20:51.392
I'll text her and say, you know, what do you think about tomorrow?

00:20:51.392 --> 00:20:53.701
And, and she'll go, yeah, tomorrow's not a Lionel day.

00:20:54.721 --> 00:20:55.692
Don't go out tomorrow.

00:20:56.152 --> 00:21:03.416
but, you know, the first, You know, five or six times we went out, it was on, you know, smaller, smaller side of Mavericks.

00:21:03.416 --> 00:21:06.406
So, you know, maybe, maybe 20 feet, not more than 25 feet.

00:21:06.406 --> 00:21:09.438
And, and the wind conditions were, were pretty favorable.

00:21:10.377 --> 00:21:14.587
the day that I caught, actually caught my first wave and rode it right down to the channel.

00:21:15.327 --> 00:21:17.178
I think there were only six or seven of us out there.

00:21:17.355 --> 00:21:18.664
It wasn't a huge day.

00:21:19.355 --> 00:21:20.305
it was a beautiful day.

00:21:20.305 --> 00:21:30.049
It was really, really glassy and, Grant Washburn was out there and Grant, as you may or may not know, is, is, you know, kind of the mayor of Mavericks these days.

00:21:30.201 --> 00:21:32.432
He kind of took over Jeff Clark's spot.

00:21:32.461 --> 00:21:37.622
Um, and, and I think Grant's probably surfed Mavericks more than anybody ever in the history.

00:21:37.994 --> 00:21:44.035
because he surfs it every time it breaks and, and he's always out there and he's an amazing human.

00:21:44.419 --> 00:22:08.625
and I'm considering myself to be extraordinarily lucky that, uh, he and I become friends and, and, uh, and he, uh, He's been amazingly helpful to me, you know, over the last couple of years as I've been surfing it and always full of suggestions and always willing to ask, answer any question you ask him and he's just, he's just a wonderful human and I didn't really know him that well.

00:22:08.625 --> 00:22:10.144
I'd met him once or twice.

00:22:10.354 --> 00:22:16.054
Um, he had done a coffee table book on Mavericks back in the 90s, and I, and I bought it.

00:22:16.114 --> 00:22:17.894
I found a copy of it.

00:22:18.134 --> 00:22:26.391
It's out of print, but I found a copy of it, we, Bianca and I paddled out that day, which was in, uh, February of 2010.

00:22:27.590 --> 00:22:28.201

00:22:28.858 --> 00:22:33.128
Grant was out there and we were sitting around, uh, the sets were very far apart.

00:22:33.588 --> 00:22:39.950
And, um, and I said to him, you know, Grant, I got this coffee table book that you, created.

00:22:40.020 --> 00:22:44.201
and when I catch my first wave of Mavericks, I'm going to get you to sign it for me.

00:22:44.892 --> 00:22:47.571
And he looked at me and he laughed and he said, I hope you have it in the car.

00:22:47.571 --> 00:22:49.311
Cause you're going to catch your first wave today.

00:22:49.892 --> 00:22:56.327
And I said, I said, I, I said, I don't, I don't, but, you know, but I'd love to catch my first wave today.

00:22:56.327 --> 00:23:00.005
And he said, okay, well, just stick with me and I'll, and I'll, I'll get you into it.

00:23:00.005 --> 00:23:01.525
And Christy Davis was out there.

00:23:01.585 --> 00:23:04.474
Um, and Christy was 69 at that time.

00:23:04.934 --> 00:23:10.184
Uh, and there were, there were four or five other guys and Bianca was the only woman as she often is.

00:23:11.180 --> 00:23:14.970
anyway, all of a sudden Grant said, here comes a set.

00:23:14.970 --> 00:23:17.420
And I look out on the horizon, I don't see anything.

00:23:18.019 --> 00:23:18.369

00:23:19.190 --> 00:23:29.490
And, but sure enough, about a minute later set comes and he says, I'm going to take the first wave and you take the second wave.

00:23:29.857 --> 00:23:32.857
and he said, just look where I take off and just take off a little bit inside me.

00:23:33.048 --> 00:23:39.439
And, uh, anyway, the wave came, he, he took off, he catches, he catches it, he almost never falls.

00:23:39.888 --> 00:23:44.038
So he's, he's not a good barometer of what it can be like.

00:23:44.358 --> 00:23:49.378
Uh, anyway, I just, on the next wave, I turned and paddled and caught it and got to my feet.

00:23:49.959 --> 00:23:53.548
And, uh, the next thing I know I'm, I'm ripping down the face on the wave.

00:23:53.797 --> 00:23:58.756
you know, and one of the things that I wrote in the article that I wrote, that was in the inertia is.

00:23:59.756 --> 00:24:37.637
What nobody tells you is that even on, even on a very glassy, non windy day, it's super bumpy and, you know, and you're going, you go, you go from, zero to 24, 25 miles an hour in the first 10 feet, like right, you, you get to speed right away and, you know, and if you're successful in getting to your feet, then all of a sudden you've, you've got these bumps happening as the wave goes over the reef, there's some ledges that form, if you watch videos of guys surfing Mavericks, there, there's a couple of drops that you hit.

00:24:38.087 --> 00:24:46.962
They're not big, but, but you're going fast, and, and you can see them, you can see them forming up in front of you, so you, you know, like, they don't catch you by surprise, you can actually see them.

00:24:48.623 --> 00:24:52.061
Anyway, I'm, going down the face, and I can see Grant.

00:24:52.673 --> 00:25:10.372
Probably 300 yards in front of me, um, sitting in the channel at the end, you know, we're, we're, we're the wave ends and he's, he's got his arms and he's, and he's, he's waving at me and I don't know what he's doing, but I'm just looking at him trying to get to him.

00:25:10.701 --> 00:25:16.041
And, um, and I actually rode the wave all the way right past him and gave him a high five.

00:25:16.041 --> 00:25:18.061
And, and that was the first wave I caught.

00:25:18.092 --> 00:25:20.332
And I said to him, what, what were you waving at?

00:25:20.332 --> 00:25:22.422
He goes, he goes, you were fading too much.

00:25:22.422 --> 00:25:26.832
You were about to get mowed down by the, by the wave, which I had no idea.

00:25:26.971 --> 00:25:33.538
Like, you know, I just, You know, I didn't get hit from behind by the wave, which is not a pleasant experience, by the way.

00:25:33.588 --> 00:25:34.598
I've had that happen to me.

00:25:34.679 --> 00:25:41.278
It's, it feels like you get, you get run over by a Mack truck when you get hit by the wave from behind.

00:25:42.595 --> 00:25:51.232
So then I paddled, back up to the, to the lineup and Christy Davis was there and Christy gave me a high five and said, you know, congratulations.

00:25:51.232 --> 00:25:52.123
They all call me Nelly.

00:25:52.865 --> 00:25:54.395
Bianca's nickname for me is Nelly.

00:25:54.405 --> 00:25:55.826
So all those guys call me Nelly.

00:25:56.511 --> 00:25:57.511
and he goes, way to go Nelly.

00:25:57.511 --> 00:25:59.551
Uh, I knew you were going to catch your wave today.

00:25:59.551 --> 00:26:08.098
And I said, you know, Christie, I, I know, I know you're the oldest guy to surf Mavericks, but I might be the, be the oldest guy to surf Mavericks for the first time.

00:26:08.098 --> 00:26:10.392
And he said, no, you're, you're, most definitely that.

00:26:10.981 --> 00:26:18.192
And, uh, I said, I said, well, you know, gives me, gives me hope that I, I've got another 10 years to surf Mavericks.

00:26:18.291 --> 00:26:19.382
And he goes, why is that?

00:26:19.382 --> 00:26:24.011
And I said, well, you know, you're, you're 10 years older than me and, and you're still surfing Mavericks.

00:26:24.011 --> 00:26:26.632
And he said, he said, well, don't use me.

00:26:26.721 --> 00:26:29.751
I, you know, I might, I might be surfing it for another five years, who knows?

00:26:30.682 --> 00:26:33.382
So anyway, that was the first day that I caught a wave.

00:26:33.382 --> 00:26:35.392
And it was a, it was cool.

00:26:35.481 --> 00:26:37.741
I was ha, and I was ha, I didn't try and catch another one.

00:26:37.761 --> 00:26:46.932
I just, I was happy and, uh, I sat out in the lineup and watched the other guys for another, you know, a half an hour, an hour and then, and then paddled in.

00:26:46.951 --> 00:26:48.842
But, uh, it was, it was a fun day.

00:26:50.049 --> 00:26:51.130
counting Tacomas.

00:26:52.069 --> 00:26:59.420
One, two, three, four, maybe in San Francisco, uh, you know, we should replace them with counting Teslas.

00:26:59.490 --> 00:26:59.869
I suppose.

00:26:59.869 --> 00:27:00.019

00:27:01.809 --> 00:27:04.960
But one Tesla, two Tesla is shorter than one Tacoma, two Tacoma.

00:27:05.630 --> 00:27:06.109
That's right.

00:27:06.160 --> 00:27:06.660
That's right.

00:27:07.446 --> 00:27:09.446
this is quite the, uh, quite the story.

00:27:09.446 --> 00:27:12.416
Uh, thanks for, uh, walking us through.

00:27:12.416 --> 00:27:16.547
You shared so much more than what I had initially, uh, asked for.

00:27:17.192 --> 00:27:19.135
I'm going to, Pick a few things here.

00:27:19.135 --> 00:27:20.625
So many, so many good gems.

00:27:21.144 --> 00:27:26.549
Firstly, paddling out, you went five sessions without catching a wave.

00:27:27.859 --> 00:27:39.375
I know that, uh, again, on surfing, much smaller, but still intimidating days for me at, again, at, Ocean Beach and some other places.

00:27:40.066 --> 00:27:43.171
It is so scary to paddle into once in a lifetime.

00:27:43.691 --> 00:27:57.461
first wave and then to have to not catch a wave and, you know, do the, uh, proverbial, uh, paddle back of shame and then go in day, day in, day out.

00:27:58.500 --> 00:28:02.421
What kept you going through those four or five sessions?

00:28:02.816 --> 00:28:13.042
Until the sixth session, when you actually caught a wave and those sessions, Lionel, where you didn't catch a wave, how many waves did you try to paddle for?

00:28:13.542 --> 00:28:17.343
Would you try many waves and then not make those waves?

00:28:17.712 --> 00:28:25.462
Or were you just, uh, working up the gumption to paddle for a paddle and, and, and, and not make it.

00:28:25.762 --> 00:28:36.248
And then the day you actually paddled and caught that wave, What was that defining difference in what helped you, uh, succeed?

00:28:36.971 --> 00:28:38.919
um, it's a good, it's a good question.

00:28:39.186 --> 00:28:49.803
in terms of keeping going and trying it, you know, when I started surfing, I started surfing at, at Cronkite or Rodeo Beach over Marin, which is, which is not an easy place to surf.

00:28:49.913 --> 00:28:53.532
And, and a lot of people say that if you can catch a wave at Cronkite, you can catch a wave anywhere.

00:28:54.156 --> 00:28:58.707
I, I started, started surfing there and didn't know what I was doing.

00:28:59.037 --> 00:29:04.686
And I went there every day and just kept paddling out and, you know, a Cronkite.

00:29:05.171 --> 00:29:13.039
if, if you, if you get washed in, you get washed way, way South on the beach and you have to do the walk of shame all the way back up to the, to the North end of the beach to paddle out again.

00:29:13.664 --> 00:29:18.902
I just always had, determination, to, you know, complete what I start.

00:29:18.942 --> 00:29:28.342
And so for me, it wasn't a matter of if it was a matter of when, and I just knew that if I kept trying that I, you know, eventually I would, I would, I would succeed.

00:29:29.192 --> 00:29:40.393
I can say that, you know, being, just being out at Mavericks, like I, I was at a Mavericks five sessions this winter and I only caught one wave all winter.

00:29:40.987 --> 00:29:46.130
and for me, it's just that, that being, out there is so amazing.

00:29:46.140 --> 00:29:48.559
Like it, it's, it's, it's a, it's a.

00:29:49.565 --> 00:29:50.805
It's a magical place.

00:29:50.805 --> 00:29:59.444
There's something very spiritual about it and and the people that go there a lot really feel that and it's kind of, you know, their church, if you will.

00:29:59.781 --> 00:30:04.890
you know, this from being a, even, even if, if you get outside it'll be and you're sitting there.

00:30:05.326 --> 00:30:07.406
And you don't catch a wave.

00:30:08.076 --> 00:30:08.886
It's okay.

00:30:09.047 --> 00:30:23.207
Like it's just, it's a, it's an amazing place to be and, and just be sitting floating in the ocean and having, you know, dolphins breach around you and seeing the odd whale and seeing seals and whatnot.

00:30:23.267 --> 00:30:24.817
It's, it's amazing.

00:30:24.896 --> 00:30:29.646
And for somebody like me who didn't grow up around the ocean and didn't grow up with that.

00:30:30.207 --> 00:30:36.876
To have discovered that at this point in my life and have that be part of my everyday routine is an amazing thing for me.

00:30:36.957 --> 00:30:39.659
And so, I just like being out there.

00:30:39.719 --> 00:30:41.979
And if I don't catch a wave, it's fine.

00:30:42.615 --> 00:30:53.305
you know, if Bianca were on the, on this call with us, she would say, The one thing Lionel doesn't, um, have, have any, um, trepidation about is paddling into a wave.

00:30:53.305 --> 00:30:54.755
Like, I'll, I'll paddle into anything.

00:30:54.845 --> 00:30:57.494
I'll, I'll, it's all, I'll always try.

00:30:57.878 --> 00:31:00.898
and so for me, it wasn't a matter of, of not trying.

00:31:01.368 --> 00:31:07.328
I paddled for a lot of waves and missed them, was in the wrong spot, had them go underneath me, whatever.

00:31:08.223 --> 00:31:14.773
The worst and best day that I've ever had at Mavericks was not this winter, but a year ago.

00:31:15.223 --> 00:31:16.054
And it was big.

00:31:16.403 --> 00:31:19.363
it was probably 35 feet and.

00:31:19.758 --> 00:31:20.817
Everybody showed up.

00:31:21.708 --> 00:31:27.698
Greg Long was there, and Twiggy Baker was there, and the Mels were there, and Luca Ciobo was there.

00:31:28.248 --> 00:31:29.488
Everybody was there.

00:31:29.607 --> 00:31:32.417
Um, there was probably 50 guys in the lineup.

00:31:33.056 --> 00:31:38.056
that day, I paddled for 10 waves and caught 10 waves.

00:31:38.641 --> 00:32:08.336
And every single time I caught a wave, I would look left, and Twiggy would already be on it, or Greg Long would already be on it, or Pete Mell would already be on it, you know, lots of times people will ride two or three guys to the wave at Mavericks, there's enough room to do that, but I never felt confident enough that I wouldn't fall in front of them, you know, so I wouldn't take the chance, and so I caught ten waves, And pulled out because someone, you know, one of those world class guys was already on the wave and I just didn't want to be on it.

00:32:09.057 --> 00:32:15.678
you know, that was a very frustrating day for me because it was really good and, and I didn't catch a wave all day.

00:32:16.076 --> 00:32:34.650
and I came in from the session and, And I said to my wife that night that I, you know, it was frustrating because I caught 10 waves, but someone was on every one I caught and I pulled out and, and she looked at me and she said, yeah, but you were one of 50 people that were in the world that were out at Mavericks today.

00:32:35.404 --> 00:32:37.005
You were out there with all those guys.

00:32:37.134 --> 00:32:43.275
And, and, you know, and it took her to put it in perspective for me and, and just how lucky I was to even be out there.

00:32:44.222 --> 00:32:46.271
that, that's kind of how I, how I look at it.

00:32:46.271 --> 00:32:52.673
And, you know, and I, and I, I'll keep paddling out there, you know, so long as I stay physically fit.

00:32:53.169 --> 00:32:59.663
you know, I, I can totally see doing it until I'm, you know, You know, 70, like I like it a lot.

00:32:59.673 --> 00:33:00.294
It's fun.

00:33:00.723 --> 00:33:06.644
and when you, when you catch, when you catch a wave there, the adrenaline rush lasts for a long time.

00:33:06.743 --> 00:33:10.144
Like it's, it's a, you know, it's a cool, it's a cool thing.

00:33:10.243 --> 00:33:16.923
And, you know, if you, if you actually step back from it and look at surfing in general, I mean, I, I surf almost every day.

00:33:17.344 --> 00:33:20.693
I usually surf for at least an hour if I'm at Kron, maybe an hour and a half.

00:33:21.188 --> 00:33:29.875
yesterday I think I caught 10 waves at Kron, and over, you know, whatever it was, 70 minutes or 80 minutes.

00:33:30.414 --> 00:33:34.355
The average ride at Kron is maybe 10 seconds?

00:33:35.480 --> 00:33:36.029

00:33:36.359 --> 00:33:46.500
And so out of, out of an hour and a half, I was actually surfing on a wave for a hundred seconds.

00:33:47.429 --> 00:33:49.459
I mean, that's, that's just the facts of, of surfing.

00:33:49.459 --> 00:33:49.729

00:33:49.778 --> 00:33:58.429
And, and so you better like being in the water and you better like being out there and you better like the rest of the experience because the actual surfing part is a very small part of it.

00:33:58.969 --> 00:34:07.355
And Mavericks, Mavericks is kind of a bigger aspect of that with, you know, more consequences and, you know, bigger risk reward, et cetera.

00:34:07.355 --> 00:34:09.346
But, but it's, it's basically the same,

00:34:09.911 --> 00:34:10.911
Every bit of that is true.

00:34:11.652 --> 00:34:17.782
The ocean and being out there is such a magical environment.

00:34:19.387 --> 00:34:37.858
Even particularly so living in San Francisco and being able to drive, you know, 15 odd minutes and being in this absolutely wild and exhilarating environment that is the Pacific.

00:34:38.648 --> 00:34:41.623
And just that contrast between the two is just amazing.

00:34:41.893 --> 00:34:42.722
It's incredible.

00:34:43.101 --> 00:34:47.222
me like you, I did not grow up visiting the ocean.

00:34:47.992 --> 00:34:56.356
So for me, just being able to be out there and experience mother nature at its apex.

00:34:56.695 --> 00:34:57.766
is a gift.

00:34:57.795 --> 00:35:07.905
And I try to remind myself with every session at OB where I return, uh, to shore, let's say empty handed, that it is a privilege.

00:35:08.326 --> 00:35:14.436
My first time surfing OB, I went with my friend Josh and Josh, you know, uh, much better surfer.

00:35:14.436 --> 00:35:17.815
I sat on one of his small, uh, shortboards.

00:35:18.235 --> 00:35:22.646
And after some point he said, Hey, Kush, aren't you going to try to catch a wave?

00:35:22.971 --> 00:35:31.931
And I'm like, no, I'm just having such a incredible time just sitting in the ocean and absorbing this three dimension environment.

00:35:31.951 --> 00:35:33.891
So I completely agree with everything that you said there.

00:35:35.010 --> 00:35:46.268
And then I think keeping side of that through every session and you seem to have a greater capacity for being able to appreciate that and being able to.

00:35:46.815 --> 00:35:47.626
Keep coming back.

00:35:48.278 --> 00:36:07.103
One thing also here is some of us when we go surfing, you know, there's that mental aspect and we'd also want to get into that a little bit where so much of it is about being able to conquer one's demons and paddle out and actually try to catch a wave and not like fake, fake a try at a wave.

00:36:08.463 --> 00:36:13.184
That particular day you were out there where you caught a number of waves.

00:36:13.974 --> 00:36:21.003
And you were at this world stage, you know, this is not your typical lineup with your, uh, everyday locals.

00:36:21.333 --> 00:36:25.364
These are the titans of the big surfing world.

00:36:25.813 --> 00:36:31.773
And you were able to battle with confidence and catch those waves.

00:36:32.324 --> 00:36:34.403
A lot of people would not do that.

00:36:34.483 --> 00:36:44.240
You know, they would often be shy of being looked of looking bad in front of, uh, again, uh, that, that crew of champions.

00:36:44.929 --> 00:37:05.769
Describe for us, Lionel, that moment of choosing, of paddling and then dropping into a big wave and how that is different than, let's say, your typical day at Fort Cronkite, which for people who don't know is this surf spot in San Francisco.

00:37:05.900 --> 00:37:08.960
It's pretty well known, so I don't think people will get mad at me for talking about it.

00:37:08.989 --> 00:37:11.050
It's just north of the bridge.

00:37:11.260 --> 00:37:12.570
You know, it's, it's a small wave.

00:37:12.730 --> 00:37:14.900
So describe for us those sensations.

00:37:15.554 --> 00:37:24.364
The, the speed, the sound, that one way that you got, it sounds like Grant called you into it, but I'm guessing that doesn't happen.

00:37:25.130 --> 00:37:29.059
Every time you have to choose your waves and you have to inspect the lineup.

00:37:29.090 --> 00:37:32.469
So talk to us about how did you choose the waves?

00:37:32.670 --> 00:37:33.880
You have to be so selective.

00:37:34.231 --> 00:37:41.041
what are those, uh, sensations that you experience and how they are different than, uh, than smaller waves?

00:37:41.041 --> 00:37:42.152
You talked about the bumps.

00:37:42.282 --> 00:37:43.911
I think that's probably part of that.

00:37:45.139 --> 00:37:54.260
the biggest thing, you know, I, I wear, I wear an Apple watch when I, um, surf and I've got, and I've got, um, the Dom patrol app on it.

00:37:54.269 --> 00:38:01.576
So it, gives you the speed that you're surfing at through the wave.

00:38:01.626 --> 00:38:04.175
And, and I think the biggest difference.

00:38:06.090 --> 00:38:16.041
is the speed with which the wave starts from when, from when you, when you decide that you, that you're going to paddle for a wave.

00:38:17.166 --> 00:38:28.643
when I'm at Mavericks, I tend to be, all the guys in, in our sixties tend to be a little bit more on the shoulder than, than deep in, deep in the bowl.

00:38:28.954 --> 00:38:34.400
Um, the wave, stands up a little less severely.

00:38:34.900 --> 00:38:48.224
Although typically what ends up happening, is those of us that sit a little bit on the outside, We'll wait for a wide swinger, um, that is too severe for the inside guys to actually catch.

00:38:48.980 --> 00:38:57.889
and so it tends, you know, it tends to be less, less severe than, than catching a wave deep in the bowl, but, but still ends up being relatively severe.

00:38:57.889 --> 00:39:02.844
I, I would say the, And so when I sit out there, that's what I'm looking for.

00:39:02.844 --> 00:39:06.630
I'm looking for a wave, that isn't going to work for the guys that are inside.

00:39:06.860 --> 00:39:12.614
Um, cause, cause I don't like, the thought of dropping in on somebody at Mavericks.

00:39:12.793 --> 00:39:14.393
For me, I just don't feel comfortable.

00:39:14.773 --> 00:39:18.594
That I, that I'm not going to fall in front of them and I don't want to cause any, any accidents.

00:39:18.634 --> 00:39:20.804
And so for me, safety is paramount.

00:39:20.833 --> 00:39:34.398
And so for me, the biggest thing is, is just making sure that I'm choosing the wave wisely and safely, you know, and, and so that, that's my number one thing.

00:39:34.398 --> 00:39:42.684
And, and, uh, you know, and I've, because when you, when you start to paddle for a wave, it takes over all your senses, right?

00:39:42.713 --> 00:39:49.253
You can't, there's not a lot of other things that you can focus on, um, other than, you know, getting, figuring out how to get to your feet.

00:39:49.483 --> 00:39:54.639
And um, and that's, you know, for me, that, that, that's a, that's a huge, it takes a huge amount of focus.

00:39:54.688 --> 00:39:59.543
And so, so you want to make sure that, that you're not going to impact anybody else negatively.

00:39:59.940 --> 00:40:01.989
in, you know, when, when you decide to go for it.

00:40:02.780 --> 00:40:04.050
The biggest thing is the speed.

00:40:04.059 --> 00:40:07.329
It's just how fast the wave picks you up and.

00:40:08.050 --> 00:40:32.081
launches you down, down the face and, there's that moment right before you know, you've caught it where you feel your board accelerating and you feel like you're going to catch it that is, to me, that's the most terrifying spot because it's like, the closest feeling for me is, is if you're on a roller coaster and you're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up.

00:40:32.081 --> 00:40:41.681
And then when you get to the top right before you, you go over the edge and go ripping down, is that fraction of a sec Se.

00:40:42.481 --> 00:40:52.882
Of a second of, oh my God, what's gonna happen, And, and you know, you kind of lose, you know, the bottom drops out and that's, it feels like that.

00:40:52.882 --> 00:41:04.860
It feels like if, you know, that's the closest physical sensation that I know of, that that is right when you catch the wave and then all of a sudden you're ripping down the face and, And you got it.

00:41:04.871 --> 00:41:06.260
You got to get to your feet right away.

00:41:06.420 --> 00:41:08.170
And you haven't got a lot of time to get to your feet.

00:41:08.289 --> 00:41:12.586
I, I belly wrote a wave at Mavericks once, you don't want to, you know, I did it successfully.

00:41:12.586 --> 00:41:14.646
I got to the bottom, but you do not want to do that.

00:41:15.626 --> 00:41:19.797
It's a, it's a terrible, that's a terrible, you know, and I just didn't get to my feet.

00:41:19.847 --> 00:41:27.277
I went to pop up and I hit a bump and my arms collapsed and I ended up on my belly and I wrote, wrote down the face on, on, on my belly.

00:41:27.373 --> 00:41:28.393
And that was terrifying.

00:41:29.072 --> 00:41:32.121
That was, uh, probably the most terrifying thing I've ever done out there.

00:41:32.320 --> 00:41:47.739
so there's that fraction of a second when, when, you know, you know, you've caught it and then you just got, you got to get your feet and then, and then, you know, start absorbing with your legs and, um, And it, you know, and I'm sure you've experienced it when you've been at Ocean Beach on a bigger day.

00:41:47.769 --> 00:41:58.684
Like, it's the same, it's the same feeling, as you would have on a 10 foot wave at OB, except it's twice as big, or three times as big, depending on the situation.

00:41:58.693 --> 00:42:11.581
But it's that, that moment right when you know you've caught it and knowing that you gotta, you know, get to your feet and get your hands forward and get in the fighter position and do all the things that you've been trained to do.

00:42:12.210 --> 00:42:13.039

00:42:13.170 --> 00:42:27.481
It is different, but a lot of the preparation that you put into, uh, getting to that first day at Mavericks probably helped, lessen the fear and, uh, get you comfortable.

00:42:27.731 --> 00:42:37.110
One other question I had about just trying to the scene the lineup that is, that is at, at Mavericks.

00:42:37.130 --> 00:42:53.056
How is that, how is the lineup different than again, a day at, let's say a different type of break at OB, at another, uh, surf spot, maybe it could be Santa Cruz, it could be Hawaii.

00:42:53.815 --> 00:42:56.456
You are there along with many others.

00:42:56.536 --> 00:43:00.576
Many of them have been surfing for Mavericks for over 30 years.

00:43:00.925 --> 00:43:05.106
Some of them are world renowned surfing celebrities.

00:43:05.346 --> 00:43:08.096
Some of them could also be newer surfers out there.

00:43:08.576 --> 00:43:10.326
What is the vibe like?

00:43:11.570 --> 00:43:15.860
Are people somewhat welcoming?

00:43:16.081 --> 00:43:27.313
You mentioned that there is some regulation that does happen, people don't tolerate, others who may not be contributing to the fun and the safety of the, uh, situation.

00:43:27.775 --> 00:43:29.135
Is there localism there?

00:43:29.454 --> 00:43:34.431
are there some people who are, uh, who are not as happy to see others in the water?

00:43:35.061 --> 00:43:37.891
Just quickly, if you can, Describe to us.

00:43:38.264 --> 00:43:53.090
I would, I would say my experience, my experience may be different, slightly different than other people's experience Because I was being coached by Bianca and she introduced me to the lineup she didn't introduce me to the lineup until she knew I was ready.

00:43:53.719 --> 00:43:58.407
And, and I think people knew that, she's enormously respected out there.

00:43:58.407 --> 00:44:02.641
And, you know, and, and at this point probably she's surfed it more than any other woman.

00:44:03.478 --> 00:44:04.858
you know, she's, she surfs it a lot.

00:44:04.898 --> 00:44:07.668
I mean, she, she surfs it almost every time it breaks.

00:44:07.668 --> 00:44:12.829
And so, she's established her, her place in the lineup there for sure.

00:44:12.829 --> 00:44:15.179
And, and so because I was introduced by her.

00:44:15.739 --> 00:44:18.768
And, you know, and I, and I listen to what she says.

00:44:18.768 --> 00:44:47.936
I, even now, like, you know, even though we don't have a, you know, formal coaching relationship anymore, she will tell me, you know, what, what she thinks in terms of if I'm, if I'm in a wrong spot or whatever, she's not afraid to tell me, you know, if I'm, if I'm not doing something right, which hopefully isn't very often, but, um, but I, I would say on, on, In general, the lineup is, is pretty welcoming there and, yeah, and, and, and there's definitely, you know, like, like in every surfing lineup there, there is a hierarchy for sure.

00:44:47.936 --> 00:44:54.646
And, and if someone, you know, if one of the more established guys is going, you know, People back.

00:44:54.677 --> 00:44:56.356
People back off and let them go.

00:44:57.318 --> 00:45:05.197
you know, and I wouldn't say that the, the group of older guys that is there get special treatment, um, in any way, shape or form.

00:45:05.547 --> 00:45:12.226
Um, maybe a little bit of elbow room, uh, that, you know, somebody completely unknown wouldn't necessarily have.

00:45:13.362 --> 00:45:17.443
but by and large it is, it, it is a pretty welcoming spot.

00:45:17.532 --> 00:45:21.322
And, um, you know, certainly different than the vibe.

00:45:21.543 --> 00:45:29.202
Um, at first point at Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz, certainly different vibe than, than in Hawaii, for sure.

00:45:29.731 --> 00:45:46.554
And, and, and it's interesting, you know, if you, talk to Nathan Florence or you talk to Kai Lenny, um, you know, which I've done, they, they like coming to Mavericks because, because the, the vibe is very, always very welcoming.

00:45:46.831 --> 00:45:58.590
you know, the community is very welcoming and it's a, um, it's a community for sure, you know, and, and, uh, and we've got the Maverick surf boards and in, uh, in a couple of weeks and, and everybody will be there and.

00:45:59.155 --> 00:46:03.565
And it's going to be fun to see everybody and be part of that, part of that group.

00:46:03.606 --> 00:46:06.525
It's, it's a real, it's a really strong community.

00:46:07.038 --> 00:46:14.697
I think the biggest thing in terms of being accepted into that community is safety and knowing.

00:46:15.983 --> 00:46:22.074
people knowing that you've done the work and know, what the safety protocol is.

00:46:22.074 --> 00:46:27.440
And, you know, one of the things, you know, Bianca had never had a, had a jet ski.

00:46:27.440 --> 00:46:29.621
None of the women had a, had jet ski support.

00:46:29.701 --> 00:46:38.476
So I bought, a jet ski for Bianca and, you know, and, and we trained and we, and we learned how to, you know, do the safety stuff and be there and be supportive.

00:46:38.476 --> 00:46:43.614
And, all of that kind of contributed, I think, to being, to being part of that community.

00:46:43.614 --> 00:46:53.487
And, you know, I think at the end of the day, and when Bianca first, interviewed me and was deciding whether she was going to coach me or not.

00:46:53.487 --> 00:47:05.949
A lot of it for her, most of it for her was about would I respect the wave you know, or was I just some asshole investment banker wanting to get a notch in my belt and, and, do my Everest, if you will.

00:47:06.139 --> 00:47:22.186
And, and it was really important to her that I, you know, that I was doing it for the right reasons and that I was going to respect the wave because the people that surf it a lot all, you know, as I said earlier, it's like, it's like it's their church.

00:47:22.385 --> 00:47:27.096
And, and so if you're going to come to someone's church, be respectful.

00:47:27.849 --> 00:47:32.123
and that's, that's really how It works out there.

00:47:33.251 --> 00:47:37.942
The church of mavericks sounds like a.

00:47:39.351 --> 00:48:10.818
place for worship for the chosen few and the fact that you were taken there with Bianca Valenti, one of the all time greats of big wave surfing for our generation, that along with your demonstrated drive Deep preparation allowed you to earn your place in the ranks or the lineup.

00:48:11.469 --> 00:48:18.248
I'm curious, how did you get Bianca to, to coach you?

00:48:18.268 --> 00:48:20.014
I did not know that she is.

00:48:21.514 --> 00:48:22.434
An established coach.

00:48:23.423 --> 00:48:34.153
Did you, uh, just shower her with Bitcoin besides, besides demonstrating your, your zeal and dedication?

00:48:34.664 --> 00:48:37.344
How did that, uh, transpire?

00:48:38.918 --> 00:48:58.340
how, how I decided to surf Mavericks was, um, or at the time I decided to surf Mavericks, I had been surfing, with a, with a guy named Marcel Soros, who Marcel is, um, old time, um, O'Neill pro, you know, from, from the, from the late seventies, early eighties.

00:48:58.371 --> 00:49:01.990
Um, and he, he's, he is the bona fide mayor of pleasure point.

00:49:02.420 --> 00:49:07.791
Um, was down there and, and, uh, was part of that crew with flea and all those guys.

00:49:08.143 --> 00:49:09.782
all those, all those famous guys.

00:49:10.043 --> 00:49:18.123
And, and I met him, um, when he was a rep for, for a company that, that, that I was an investor in.

00:49:18.702 --> 00:49:29.143
And, um, and so he, Spent every Friday morning with me at, Pacifica when he was coming up and doing his rounds, um, to, to the, to the, uh, surf shops up here.

00:49:29.684 --> 00:49:41.891
and so he would go and surf with me and then he took me down to Pleasure Point and, um, we surfed down there a bunch and we were down there one day, maybe five years ago, four years ago.

00:49:42.621 --> 00:50:07.981
And, uh, And it was big, uh, and we were surfing, we were surfing Pleasure Point, First Point, uh, and the faces were maybe 15 feet or something, it was, so, but, Pleasure Point is very forgiving, it's, you know, a 15 foot wave of Pleasure Point is a pretty easy wave to get into, and, anyway, I was catching waves and having a lot of fun, and at the end of that session, I asked Marcel, do you think I could ever surf Mavericks?

00:50:08.650 --> 00:50:10.661
And he was like, yeah, sure you can, let's go next week.

00:50:11.231 --> 00:50:14.871
And I was like, no, I don't want to do that.

00:50:15.150 --> 00:50:22.081
I, you know, I decided I wanted to have a coach and then I decided that I wanted to have a woman coach.

00:50:22.081 --> 00:50:33.425
And the reason I decided I wanted to have a woman coach is because I thought a woman would take it more seriously and be more safety oriented and, and not, not be, um, You know, cavalier about it.

00:50:33.496 --> 00:50:40.849
And, and, uh, and so I was aware of Bianca, you know, cause, you know, she's, as you know, she's, she's pretty famous.

00:50:40.849 --> 00:51:05.061
And, during, I had never really surfed ocean beach, uh, and during COVID, uh, in March of 20, um, They closed all the beaches in Marin, and so I started driving over the bridge and surfing at Kelly's, and again, I had never really surfed Ocean Beach, and so I started surfing Kelly's and, uh, and then, you know, moved south as I got better and more confident.

00:51:05.561 --> 00:51:17.481
Um, and I saw her on the beach one day and, uh, and so I went up and introduced myself to her and, and, uh, told her I wanted to surf Mavericks and asked her whether she would coach me and she literally laughed and walked away.

00:51:18.918 --> 00:51:21.969
and, uh, and so, um, I knew.

00:51:22.054 --> 00:51:46.829
Paige Elms, um, cause I sat on the board of Surf Canada with her, um, Paige is a, is another, uh, one of the top women big wave surfers in the world and, and, uh, from Maui and a Canadian actually, and which I am, and so I reached out to Paige and I asked Paige to vouch for me to Biarca and to at least ask Biarca to take a meeting with me and hear what I had to say.

00:51:47.139 --> 00:51:50.980
And so Bianca reluctantly at, after Paige, Paige reached out to her.

00:51:50.980 --> 00:51:57.211
Bianca reluctantly, agreed to meet with me and that, so that's how I ended up getting her to, to coach me.

00:51:57.711 --> 00:52:05.588
Connections and, uh, some social engineering will, will get us everywhere I would love to, Get, uh, some of them on the show.

00:52:05.588 --> 00:52:11.168
I think they would be hugely inspiring to others just as, just as you are.

00:52:11.509 --> 00:52:11.929

00:52:12.023 --> 00:52:13.373
Bianca is amazing.

00:52:13.434 --> 00:52:17.724
Um, so she, she's actually starting a coaching business now.

00:52:18.210 --> 00:52:25.751
And, and being pretty exclusive about it, um, she, you know, she, she doesn't, she, she's coached forever.

00:52:25.751 --> 00:52:29.262
I mean, she's, she's taught little kids to surf and done that.

00:52:29.282 --> 00:52:32.722
She'd never, I was the first person that she ever coached to surf Mavericks.

00:52:33.251 --> 00:52:39.711
Um, and I think, and I think she's decided she's going to take on one Mavericks student a year.

00:52:39.726 --> 00:52:53.795
Um, but she's in the process of, of launching a, a new coaching, business and, and she's, she's in a, she's an incredibly thoughtful, amazing coach, really, really good coach.

00:52:53.835 --> 00:52:57.565
And, and I could, could I have surfed Mavericks without her?

00:52:57.594 --> 00:52:58.164

00:52:58.445 --> 00:53:00.135
Could I have done it safely without her?

00:53:00.135 --> 00:53:00.724
No way.

00:53:01.186 --> 00:53:23.510
You know, and, and that, that was the biggest thing that I would say, you know, coming back to, you know, the first times I was out there and falling first time I fell, I felt prepared and so I, I didn't, there wasn't anything to be scared of because I knew, I knew that we had done the work and, and that I had done the work and that was all Bianca that wasn't, you know, I just did what she told me to do.

00:53:23.820 --> 00:53:26.590
I mean, she told me I didn't cut any corners.

00:53:26.661 --> 00:53:27.431
I did everything.

00:53:28.635 --> 00:53:36.175
And I, you know, and I, I come from a long life of, of doing extreme sports and doing, you know, high level competition and stuff.

00:53:36.175 --> 00:53:39.025
And so I, like, you know, I'm, I'm a coachable person.

00:53:39.445 --> 00:53:45.295
you know, my, my training is, is having been coached my whole life, I think also played into that, but.

00:53:45.704 --> 00:53:48.114
But I, I let her coach me and I did what she said.

00:53:48.577 --> 00:53:58.277
And, and that's, you know, that's something that is interesting that, uh, that I'll say, that, you know, in, in the article that I wrote, there was an article written about me.

00:53:58.889 --> 00:54:02.360
and, and they called me a Val and I had no idea what a Val was.

00:54:02.673 --> 00:54:27.675
And it turns out val means, means vulnerable adult learner and, and I would, I would say the reason I wrote the article that I wrote, and frankly, the reason that I agreed to do this podcast is because I look at it as a 61 year old person and, to answer the question that you asked earlier about what, you know, when I decide to paddle into a wave, am I worried about what people are thinking about me?

00:54:27.954 --> 00:54:28.885
No, I don't.

00:54:28.965 --> 00:54:30.164
I never worry about that.

00:54:30.471 --> 00:54:33.070
I worry about doing the best that I can do with what I have.

00:54:33.255 --> 00:54:34.786
I know I look like a kook.

00:54:35.436 --> 00:54:36.606
I'm six foot five.

00:54:36.606 --> 00:54:37.346
I'm skinny.

00:54:37.346 --> 00:54:38.826
I, you know, I wear a helmet.

00:54:38.826 --> 00:54:40.735
I'm one of the few people that wear it, wears a helmet.

00:54:41.206 --> 00:54:44.175
I, I know I look, I look ridiculous out there.

00:54:44.342 --> 00:54:49.521
but also know that I'm one of the, one of, one of the people that is having the most fun.

00:54:49.871 --> 00:54:54.251
And, and for me, that's at the end of the day, that's the most important thing.

00:54:54.251 --> 00:55:02.061
And, And to be, um, you know, when I got called a Val, initially, I was thought, well, that's a slur.

00:55:02.061 --> 00:55:03.692
And then I thought, no, actually, I'm going to embrace that.

00:55:03.692 --> 00:55:04.541
I like, I like that.

00:55:04.742 --> 00:55:07.572
I like, I like being a vulnerable adult learner.

00:55:07.572 --> 00:55:21.072
And I think as people age, particularly around physical things, as people age, if they can allow themselves to, to be vulnerable and learn new things, their life will be way richer for it.

00:55:21.833 --> 00:55:23.943
They'll live a much, much richer life.

00:55:24.476 --> 00:55:33.161
I mean, I, I, I thank my lucky stars that I found surfing and discovered it because every single day and I, I, it's, it's interesting.

00:55:33.161 --> 00:55:38.952
I in the last week I've had a whole bunch of people ask start asking me about what I'm going to do for my 70th.

00:55:39.322 --> 00:55:41.293
And I'm like, I'm 61.

00:55:41.322 --> 00:55:42.393
I'm about to turn 62.

00:55:43.663 --> 00:55:47.503
I, every time I surf, I'm get, I'm still getting better.

00:55:48.052 --> 00:55:55.802
It's one of the only things that I do in my life that I'm getting better at physically every day.

00:55:56.583 --> 00:56:01.532
The only other thing that I do that I'm getting better at is I play mandolin and I started playing mandolin when I was 50.

00:56:01.532 --> 00:56:14.396
And I'm you know, and I, and I think I'll continue to get better at mandolin for the, you know, maybe, maybe longer than, than I'll be able to continue to get better at surfing, but I feel like I've got at least another five.

00:56:15.067 --> 00:56:17.336
Maybe hopefully 10 more years.

00:56:17.731 --> 00:56:20.922
of being physically able to get better at surfing every day.

00:56:21.972 --> 00:56:34.742
And, and to have that as a 60, almost 62 year old person and have something that, that, you know, I'm that excited about and enjoy doing that much is such a gift.

00:56:34.773 --> 00:56:37.391
you know, so for me, that's, that's, that's the best thing about it.

00:56:38.440 --> 00:56:51.237
Besides being eminently coachable, you are also really easy to speak with it's almost like you, you're anticipating some of my questions even before I asked them.

00:56:51.597 --> 00:56:56.630
I did want to ask you about, VAL, the Vulnerable Adult Learner Thank you.

00:56:57.226 --> 00:57:22.574
term that I saw in read the article and it's so cool how you have turned what might be a slur into almost a badge of honor where I also experienced that to some degree where the older I get, the more I care less about what people are thinking about me being a kook in the water or a kook out of the water doing something else.

00:57:22.574 --> 00:57:27.695
And I think many people who are listening to the show, most people listening are.

00:57:28.144 --> 00:57:30.764
between the ages of 35 to 60.

00:57:31.684 --> 00:57:38.804
And I think many of them are going through that same experience where it just matters less what people think.

00:57:38.844 --> 00:57:42.137
And yeah, thank you for sharing that.

00:57:43.947 --> 00:57:51.050
Getting into a bit of your, uh, Your fitness, your mobility, your maintenance activities.

00:57:51.960 --> 00:58:02.751
You came into the surfing world, bringing this background of, um, rich athletic accomplishments.

00:58:03.550 --> 00:58:23.090
You were a decathlete as a youngster, which I think some people tell me is one of the toughest of sports because you have to master so many different disciplines and perhaps, Dick athletes could be, in some ways, the most all rounded athletes.

00:58:24.929 --> 00:58:34.804
You also partook and, and Successfully competed in other kinds of adventure sports.

00:58:35.545 --> 00:58:47.005
I'm wondering what are some of those habits, routines from those days that you brought into the surfing world?

00:58:47.934 --> 00:59:04.844
What are some of the things you learned that have helped you succeed, both physically But then also mentally, which is such a huge part of, uh, surfing, especially big wave surfing.

00:59:06.054 --> 00:59:29.655
Any unique things that you brought over and what can the everyday athlete hope to learn from those experiences you've had in transferring skills and being able to, uh, be fit and agile with, uh, Surfing as you get older.

00:59:30.525 --> 00:59:43.994
So when I stopped competing, in decathlon and I was in, I was in my twenties and I went, went to work on Wall Street and, and I'd been, at a high level for my whole life at that point.

00:59:44.233 --> 00:59:47.702
and always fit, always doing something.

00:59:47.702 --> 01:00:14.014
And, um, I decided I needed, something to, keep me going and for my mental health at that time because I was working on Wall Street and I was working long hours and, and, and so I decided I made a rule for myself, which I, which I have never broken in my life, that I would never go three days in a row without some sort of physical activity.

01:00:14.465 --> 01:00:18.981
for me, I never got out of shape.

01:00:18.981 --> 01:00:29.141
I never got, I was never not fit from the time when I transitioned from, from high level competition, um, into, into being a businessman.

01:00:29.800 --> 01:00:41.170
I, I maintained, and to this day maintain that rule that I, I will never go three days in a row without, without doing, you know, some sort of physical fitness.

01:00:41.824 --> 01:00:55.043
That would be, and I've told many, many people over the years about that rule, and that if you can, if you can maintain that rule, your, your health will, and mental health will, will, will be excellent because of it.

01:00:55.521 --> 01:01:00.690
and I saw so many of my fellow competitors, particularly, you know, the guys I played football with.

01:01:01.456 --> 01:01:24.846
You know, we're big, big guys and then stopped playing football and stopped working out and didn't stop eating and, you know, and, and then, and then tried really, you know, to, to, to, to get fit later is it's, it's, it's hard and the older you get, the harder it is to stay fit and the harder it is to come back from injuries and, and all of those things.

01:01:24.846 --> 01:01:29.775
And so for me, it starts with just maintaining the, as high fitness level as I possibly can.

01:01:30.282 --> 01:01:35.018
Surfing is without a doubt the most difficult thing I've ever taken on in my life.

01:01:35.456 --> 01:01:37.766
you know, and I'm, I include pole vaulting.

01:01:38.166 --> 01:01:41.936
And that I have, that's one of the things I've done in my life.

01:01:42.197 --> 01:01:49.317
Um, but, but in terms of physical challenges, it is without a doubt one of the most difficult things in the world to do.

01:01:49.347 --> 01:01:51.876
There are so many variables that you have to deal with.

01:01:52.269 --> 01:01:58.519
You know, and, and just, just the physical move of a pop up is really, really hard.

01:01:58.844 --> 01:02:04.675
I took, I took lessons from a guy up, up in, um, Nevada named Rob Case.

01:02:04.744 --> 01:02:14.355
Um, give a shout out to Rob, anybody that wants to learn to paddle properly, um, learn how to pop up properly, look up Rob.

01:02:14.364 --> 01:02:16.545
He's, he's, um, he's an amazing coach.

01:02:16.996 --> 01:02:18.326
And I wish I'd gone to him.

01:02:18.326 --> 01:02:20.565
I didn't, Bianca introduced me to him.

01:02:20.706 --> 01:02:32.326
And so I had been surfing for, you know, six years, I guess, when I met him, I wish I'd met him when I first started surfing, because some of the things that he told me about helped me so much.

01:02:32.326 --> 01:02:35.275
And I wish I'd known it from the beginning.

01:02:35.806 --> 01:02:39.865
One of the things that he taught me to do was a reverse pop up.

01:02:39.885 --> 01:03:10.454
So you start, you start, In your stance that you want to be in and then you slowly go down into the lay down position on the board and you do that over and over again, 30, 40 times and for some reason, I don't know, understand the physiological aspects to it, but for some reason it's the brain is able to flip that motion around so that when you actually turn around to do a pop up, you end up in exactly the stance that you want to end up in.

01:03:11.130 --> 01:03:22.820
And so one of the things that I do every single day is part of my whether I'm surfing today or not, I didn't surf today, but I did all my, my core body work and stretching and stuff that I do every day.

01:03:23.360 --> 01:03:26.210
And one of the things that I do every day is I do 20 pop ups.

01:03:27.619 --> 01:03:38.409
And because for me, you know, I grew up water skiing and skiing and windsurfing and snowboarding and you know, I've done lots and lots of stuff on a board moving.

01:03:38.409 --> 01:03:38.460

01:03:39.170 --> 01:03:41.219
The hardest thing in surfing is to pop up.

01:03:41.789 --> 01:03:45.489
If you, you know, for me, if I can get to my feet, I'm usually pretty good.

01:03:46.780 --> 01:03:48.820
The big variable for me is, can I get to my feet?

01:03:49.960 --> 01:03:53.369
And, and that's whether I'm surfing at Cronkite or whether I'm surfing at Mavericks.

01:03:53.409 --> 01:04:01.989
The biggest, still to this day, you know, almost 10 years later, uh, from when I started surfing, the, the most challenging thing for me is, is the pop up.

01:04:02.230 --> 01:04:04.250
And so that's something I practice on dry land.

01:04:05.894 --> 01:04:13.164
And, and, and it helps a lot, you know, cause so if you can, you can get your pop up so that you don't even have to think about it.

01:04:14.344 --> 01:04:16.505
That takes away one of the variables.

01:04:16.545 --> 01:04:24.275
Um, you know, when you look at the guys that have been surfing from the time they're little kids, they don't like their, their pop up is so natural, so smooth.

01:04:24.304 --> 01:04:25.335
They don't even think about it.

01:04:25.405 --> 01:04:25.625

01:04:25.664 --> 01:04:26.164
Like it just, it's so natural.

01:04:26.644 --> 01:04:28.704
They're, they're thinking about all the other things going on.

01:04:28.715 --> 01:04:30.054
They're not thinking about their pop up.

01:04:30.065 --> 01:04:33.574
I'm still thinking about my pop up as the waves coming and all those things.

01:04:33.574 --> 01:04:33.824

01:04:33.835 --> 01:04:44.239
And so, anyway, so that, that'd be something that I would say for somebody learning to surf, focus, you know, get on a yoga mat and focus on the pop up and, and do that every day.

01:04:45.139 --> 01:04:46.840
Cause if you can't pop up, you're not going to surf.

01:04:47.197 --> 01:04:48.927
I do a lot of core body stuff.

01:04:48.987 --> 01:04:49.907
I started doing yoga.

01:04:49.907 --> 01:04:51.458
I'd never done yoga in my life.

01:04:51.632 --> 01:04:55.992
yoga has helped me a lot in terms of my core body strength and balance particularly.

01:04:56.422 --> 01:05:02.512
Um, so that's something that, you know, I'm glad I wish I'd done yoga, you know, for the rest of my life.

01:05:02.512 --> 01:05:05.771
I haven't, I've only been doing it in my fifties into my sixties.

01:05:06.161 --> 01:05:07.472
but yoga has been amazing.

01:05:08.139 --> 01:05:09.849
I don't do that much strength work.

01:05:09.849 --> 01:05:24.300
I do, you know, I do pushups and pushups and sit ups and pop ups every day, but that's really like, I don't do a lot of weight, you know, and I might do a weight workout with light barbells once a week.

01:05:24.619 --> 01:05:25.728
Not more than that.

01:05:26.619 --> 01:05:27.829
And then I used to be a cyclist.

01:05:27.829 --> 01:05:35.849
And so I still cycle on days like, you know, yesterday, uh, or two days ago, I didn't surf and today I, I'm not going to surf.

01:05:35.909 --> 01:05:43.898
And so I'll, I'll get on my mountain bike and go for, you know, do, do mountain bike ride, um, for, for aerobic fitness.

01:05:44.550 --> 01:05:46.440
I tend to do something almost every day.

01:05:46.480 --> 01:05:53.150
Um, my, my biggest thing is I, is I, I don't like to give myself rest days and I know I need to.

01:05:53.300 --> 01:05:56.170
And so I have to force myself to give myself rest days.

01:05:56.487 --> 01:06:01.458
you know, that, that's something that I, that I try to force myself to do one rest day a week.

01:06:02.057 --> 01:06:04.583
Um, And I'm, and I'm always glad I do.

01:06:04.753 --> 01:06:08.342
you know, I always come back stronger and better the next day after I do a rest day.

01:06:08.925 --> 01:06:10.445
Thanks for walking us through that.

01:06:11.126 --> 01:06:14.646
I have taken a class with Rob Case myself.

01:06:14.715 --> 01:06:15.686
Shout out to Rob.

01:06:15.996 --> 01:06:18.416
I've also recommended Rob to others.

01:06:18.786 --> 01:06:21.146
He is phenomenal indeed.

01:06:22.525 --> 01:06:24.076
The part you shared about.

01:06:24.655 --> 01:06:28.016
The reverse pop up is really intriguing.

01:06:28.550 --> 01:06:34.710
I could do a solo podcast just on my journey on trying to master the pop up.

01:06:35.521 --> 01:06:47.271
At, at one point, Lionel, I had painter's tape on my living room floor to mark exact dimensions with which my feet should land.

01:06:47.951 --> 01:06:53.940
I think I learned later in my surfing journey that my pop up was terrible.

01:06:53.971 --> 01:06:55.170
I didn't really understand.

01:06:55.170 --> 01:07:06.295
I what it means to be low in your squat when one pops up and people or friends sometimes laugh at me, given my, uh, South Asian heritage.

01:07:06.815 --> 01:07:19.885
Uh, Indians are supposed to be a really good squatters, can hold their squats for hours, you know, and here I am trying to, uh, trying to get into a basic squat and then not really having the mobility that it needs.

01:07:20.635 --> 01:07:21.436
It sounds like you,

01:07:22.780 --> 01:07:23.820
I still can't do it.

01:07:23.820 --> 01:07:24.630
And that's the other thing.

01:07:24.641 --> 01:07:31.501
That's the other thing I do every day is I squat and I still can't squat all the way down on my haunches and bare feet.

01:07:31.851 --> 01:07:32.460
I can do it.

01:07:32.541 --> 01:07:34.021
I can do it in running shoes with that.

01:07:34.030 --> 01:07:37.791
Like I need, but I need whatever it is half an inch of heel.

01:07:38.251 --> 01:07:39.521
I, I do it.

01:07:39.581 --> 01:07:44.010
I do it every day and I've been doing it every day for a long time and I still can't get all the way down.

01:07:44.360 --> 01:07:44.771

01:07:45.210 --> 01:07:51.231
It's amazing to me that I, that I can't, but I can't, I, I, but I try every day.

01:07:51.784 --> 01:08:11.384
it is, funnily motivating in a way that somebody who, you know, Surf's Mavericks, Surf's Sunset, Surf's all of these big waves is perhaps working to get past some of the same mobility challenges that I am as your everyday, uh, uh, surfer.

01:08:11.614 --> 01:08:15.193
How do you get past sometimes?

01:08:15.463 --> 01:08:16.743
Mental plateaus.

01:08:16.844 --> 01:08:21.064
And this is a question that a listener Vishal wanted to know.

01:08:21.604 --> 01:08:22.833
You know, we got surfing.

01:08:22.844 --> 01:08:25.033
We are at the mercy of mother nature.

01:08:25.134 --> 01:08:26.694
Some days you have good sessions.

01:08:26.703 --> 01:08:27.684
Some days you don't.

01:08:28.203 --> 01:08:31.154
You went five sessions without catching a wave at Mavericks.

01:08:31.413 --> 01:08:45.113
How do you keep up that, uh, that fire going to go back into the ocean day after day and, uh, keep, uh, trying to surf better?

01:08:45.537 --> 01:08:53.762
I think, I think for me, it is that it's new for me to be in the ocean every day.

01:08:53.853 --> 01:09:01.252
And it's, and, and so, and so for me, it's, it's not so much about how many waves I catch.

01:09:01.912 --> 01:09:24.381
And, and don't get me wrong, I count, I count my waves and I, you know, I keep track of them all with my app and all that stuff, and, and I try, you know, I, I, I've got a couple of rules, like if I, if I'm, if I'm going to paddle out at Ocean Beach this winter, the most I got turned back was four times before I finally got out, took me well over an hour to get out to the outside on one of the days.

01:09:25.176 --> 01:09:38.027
And, but I, I just decided I'm, I'm, even if I don't catch a wave, I'm going to get, I'm going to get out to the outside and, and, and I made that, you know, so today, so today's a, today's a fitness day.

01:09:38.176 --> 01:09:40.127
Today's not a wave catching day.

01:09:40.127 --> 01:09:40.957
It's a fitness day.

01:09:41.226 --> 01:09:56.346
and so it's all about your mental attitude and, trying to decide what you're, wanting, what your end game is and what you're, what you're wanting to accomplish overall, and being flexible, And that's something that I learned when I was competing at a, at a very high level.

01:09:56.854 --> 01:09:58.595
Some days it's just not your day.

01:09:58.813 --> 01:10:01.443
and if it's not your day, don't, don't force it.

01:10:01.533 --> 01:10:01.953

01:10:01.957 --> 01:10:12.676
And I've had days where I just wasn't feeling it, and I, paddled out at, at, at Ocean Beach or even at, at Mavericks, and I'm like, I, I'm not feeling this today, but I'm, I'm, I'm glad I'm out here.

01:10:13.025 --> 01:10:14.345
I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna learn.

01:10:14.345 --> 01:10:21.158
I'm gonna, and, and I think one of the biggest things for me is that, every time I go, I'm getting better in some way, shape, or form.

01:10:21.158 --> 01:10:21.908
I'm getting better.

01:10:22.318 --> 01:10:24.557
And every time I go, I'm still learning stuff.

01:10:24.597 --> 01:10:32.768
And so for me, That's one of the, you know, as I said earlier, that's one of the magical things about surfing for me and what keeps me engaged and willing to go.

01:10:33.268 --> 01:10:38.127
Um, and, and even when I'm not catching waves or when I'm, I'm not having a great day.

01:10:38.738 --> 01:10:40.198
I mean, I had a day last week at Cronkite.

01:10:40.377 --> 01:10:42.597
I could not get to my feet for the life of me.

01:10:42.698 --> 01:10:45.287
I mean, I felt like a total fricking kook.

01:10:45.318 --> 01:10:46.238
It was terrible.

01:10:47.127 --> 01:10:52.927
it was a beautiful day and my buddies were out there and we're all, you know, they're all catching waves and I was watching them catch waves.

01:10:52.927 --> 01:10:55.547
And, and it was, you know, I was just glad to be out there.

01:10:55.877 --> 01:11:06.597
And, and so I think, I think a lot of it's just about your frame of mind and, and trying to, trying to make the best out of whatever, whatever the situation is.

01:11:06.948 --> 01:11:08.078
I'll go surfing.

01:11:08.078 --> 01:11:16.762
I went surfing, got a buddy of mine, Jeremy, Um, who I took to Mavericks actually, uh, this year, and he caught, he caught a wave his fir very first time on at Mavericks.

01:11:16.762 --> 01:11:18.682
He caught and rode a wave all the way down to the channel.

01:11:18.863 --> 01:11:19.792
Kind of pissed me off.

01:11:20.518 --> 01:11:24.109
he's a much better surfer than I am, but I was, I was super happy for him.

01:11:24.378 --> 01:11:28.764
But we, he, his, his local break is, uh, his four mile and, uh.

01:11:30.213 --> 01:11:35.493
And I drove down to surf with him at four mile and, and it was blowing like stink.

01:11:35.493 --> 01:11:37.713
And it was, nobody was there.

01:11:37.713 --> 01:11:40.503
And, and he was like, you know, it's kind of gnarly.

01:11:40.503 --> 01:11:41.083
Do you want to go out?

01:11:41.083 --> 01:11:42.083
And I was like, yeah, we're here.

01:11:42.083 --> 01:11:51.323
Like, you know, my dad, always had the saying that we grew up with and that I, you know, I've imparted on my kids and, uh, which is if you don't go, you won't know.

01:11:52.037 --> 01:11:54.917
And my dad used to say that all the time.

01:11:55.278 --> 01:11:59.948
And you know, it'd be raining out in the chalet and, everyone's like, oh, let's not go skiing today.

01:11:59.948 --> 01:12:02.467
And my dad would be like, well, if we don't go, we won't know.

01:12:02.467 --> 01:12:06.158
And out he'd go, and sure enough, you'd get a couple of great runs and it was worth going.

01:12:06.667 --> 01:12:12.488
And, uh, and so I said, you know, I, that day at, at Four Mile, I said to Jeremy, if we don't go, we won't know.

01:12:12.978 --> 01:12:16.427
So we went and we paddled out and, uh, and.

01:12:17.172 --> 01:12:20.682
And it ended up just cleaning up for like 30 minutes.

01:12:20.903 --> 01:12:31.456
And we had this little window and we both caught a couple of really good waves and, and we could have stood on the shore and watched and, not gone out and not caught those waves.

01:12:31.586 --> 01:12:33.485
And we would not have been better for it.

01:12:33.515 --> 01:12:39.476
So, you know, and at the end of the session, Jeremy said to me, he said, you know, you're hilarious.

01:12:39.476 --> 01:12:41.306
Like it doesn't matter how bad or good it is.

01:12:41.306 --> 01:12:43.697
You always have a smile on your face and you're always totally stoked.

01:12:45.447 --> 01:12:47.976
Yeah, but it's like, what else are we going to do?

01:12:47.976 --> 01:12:48.667
It's so fun.

01:12:48.766 --> 01:12:49.957
Like you might as well go do it.

01:12:50.167 --> 01:12:52.202
that's, and that's kind of my, my mentality.

01:12:52.202 --> 01:13:01.082
And, and I'm glad, you know, I think one of the things for me that makes that easy to have that mindset and having been super competitive when I was, when I was a kid.

01:13:01.622 --> 01:13:05.381
Uh, and still competitive in some things and go on a golf course and pretty competitive.

01:13:05.715 --> 01:13:08.666
but I know I'm not going to win any competitions.

01:13:08.716 --> 01:13:11.536
I I'm not competing with anybody in surfing.

01:13:12.015 --> 01:13:13.286
It's just for my own joy.

01:13:13.525 --> 01:13:15.336
And, and that's the only reason I do it.

01:13:15.405 --> 01:13:18.065
And so I get nothing to prove to anybody.

01:13:18.423 --> 01:13:21.805
you know, if I have a bad day surfing, I don't get pissed off about it.

01:13:21.805 --> 01:13:28.645
I just, I just chalk it up to, okay, well we learned some things today and we'll apply them tomorrow and hopefully we'll have a better day tomorrow.

01:13:30.030 --> 01:13:33.030
Such a great attitude to bring to the water.

01:13:33.121 --> 01:13:39.541
Any day in the water is better than a, not than a day out of the water.

01:13:40.826 --> 01:13:41.336

01:13:42.145 --> 01:13:42.716
A hundred percent.

01:13:43.091 --> 01:13:50.230
Any significant injuries you have to battle in the past or you have to work around today.

01:13:50.841 --> 01:13:58.206
For example, surfing can be incredibly taxing on one's shoulders, for example.

01:13:59.756 --> 01:14:00.115

01:14:00.619 --> 01:14:07.262
my shoulders fortunately have been fine and, I've had previous knee surgeries.

01:14:07.268 --> 01:14:09.363
My, my left knee is probably.

01:14:10.368 --> 01:14:11.627
Mm, which is my front.

01:14:11.627 --> 01:14:17.219
I'm regular, so, so it is, my front, leg is 90%.

01:14:17.219 --> 01:14:19.109
Maybe not, not, certainly not a hundred percent.

01:14:19.109 --> 01:14:20.878
So that, you know, I wish it was better.

01:14:21.671 --> 01:14:30.721
you know, the biggest thing for me was, and why I wear a helmet is, um, in, in the first two years that I was surfing at Cronkite, I had two serious head injuries.

01:14:30.782 --> 01:14:33.527
Um, I got run over by a kid and, and took.

01:14:34.457 --> 01:14:36.487
14 staples to the top of my head.

01:14:37.016 --> 01:14:42.766
And then another day, my own board hit me in the head and I took another 12 staples to the head.

01:14:43.306 --> 01:14:53.006
And when I came, when I came home after the second one, after the second trip to the emergency room, my wife looked at me and she said, you know, you've done extreme sports your whole life.

01:14:53.367 --> 01:14:54.476
You always wear a helmet.

01:14:54.926 --> 01:14:56.277
You've never had a head injury.

01:14:56.287 --> 01:14:57.476
You've been surfing for two years.

01:14:57.476 --> 01:14:59.037
You've had two serious head injuries.

01:14:59.046 --> 01:15:00.067
Why aren't you wearing a helmet?

01:15:00.697 --> 01:15:07.117
And that's when I started doing research on helmets and, and, you know, figured out a good helmet to wear.

01:15:07.367 --> 01:15:10.197
And, uh, and, and so I've been wearing a helmet.

01:15:11.087 --> 01:15:13.096
I always wear, I never not, I never don't wear it.

01:15:13.417 --> 01:15:18.438
and, and a number of people, number of people with Mavericks have started, have started wearing them.

01:15:18.728 --> 01:15:29.828
Every time I surf at Ocean, somebody paddle up to me and ask me about my helmet and I've probably sold, I've probably sold 20 or 30 helmets for DMC, um, because, because of wearing it.

01:15:30.184 --> 01:15:34.552
Other than that, I haven't really had any, bad surfing injuries.

01:15:34.865 --> 01:15:37.416
so I guess I'm maybe, I'm maybe lucky on that.

01:15:37.630 --> 01:15:42.960
but I've had, you know, I've had lots of, you know, I broke my back mountain biking and I've had elbow surgery.

01:15:42.960 --> 01:15:51.100
I've had all kinds of surgeries over the years and various things, but none of them I wish my left knee worked better than it does, but it's fine.

01:15:51.965 --> 01:16:01.314
Any kind of, uh, body workers or, uh, specialists that you want to shout out to who help keep you in tip top shape.

01:16:02.590 --> 01:16:11.194
Uh, I do, I do weekly massage with a guy named Trevor Bridgewater who's at Stinson and, he's amazing and keeps me, keeps me going.

01:16:11.296 --> 01:16:12.525
that's really the only thing I do.

01:16:13.320 --> 01:16:13.621

01:16:13.631 --> 01:16:15.070
Thanks for, uh, walking us through that.

01:16:16.180 --> 01:16:21.480
Amy, another listener had this question on diet and, uh, nutrition.

01:16:21.720 --> 01:16:30.930
Any different things that you do supplement wise, diet wise, again, that contribute to your agility, your fitness, fitness wise?

01:16:31.176 --> 01:16:35.725
when I first started surfing Mavericks, I was really worried about, hydration.

01:16:36.020 --> 01:16:43.051
cause when we do a Maverick session, you're usually out there for minimum three hours and, um, and sometimes longer.

01:16:43.283 --> 01:17:09.438
But usually three hours, which is a long time to be sitting out in the water, and I, I experience cramps in my calves, that has been one kind of thing that has, has impeded me, particularly more at Ocean Beach than at Mavericks, but, but certainly happened at Mavericks too, um, and, and if you've ever had a cramp, In your, in your legs, in the water, it's, and, and you're at Ocean Beach on a big day, it is not a happy thing.

01:17:10.028 --> 01:17:10.637
It's brutal.

01:17:10.993 --> 01:17:16.038
and so I've, I've done a lot of work in terms of what I used to do when I was riding bikes.

01:17:16.394 --> 01:17:19.734
And trying to figure out ways to apply that, um, to surfing.

01:17:20.314 --> 01:17:26.564
And so what I end up doing is, is I'll, I'll pre hydrate significantly.

01:17:26.623 --> 01:17:43.543
And, um, one of the, one of the, uh, supplements I use is something called Morton, um, which, which is, uh, very, very well known in the, in the cycling world, um, spelled M A U R T E N.

01:17:43.880 --> 01:17:44.689
and it's a.

01:17:45.119 --> 01:17:49.202
Sodium based additive to water.

01:17:49.430 --> 01:18:02.698
that a lot of cyclists use, and so what I'll do is I'll preload, you know, as I'm driving down to Mavericks, you know, it takes me about an hour to get there, and so I'll drink, I'll usually drink two liters of Morton before I get there.

01:18:03.413 --> 01:18:05.591
You know, essentially pre hydrate, my body.

01:18:06.011 --> 01:18:16.551
And it's also much better, you know, from a concussion protocol standpoint, if you've got a lot of, if you're really hydrated, um, the likelihood of getting a concussion is much less.

01:18:16.943 --> 01:18:42.152
And so, and then the other thing I do is, um, is I do take gel packs out with me, uh, when I go out to Mavericks, I just shove them in my, in my wetsuit and so I'll just, and, and again, I just, that's what I used to do when, when I was on the bike, you know, if I would be on the bike for three or four hours, I'd have a couple of gel packs, a couple of gummies and, and, um, and, and consume them while, while, you know, You're riding and, and so I just take those out with me.

01:18:42.221 --> 01:18:43.851
Um, and that's helped a lot.

01:18:43.981 --> 01:18:46.981
Uh, and, and particularly in terms of, of the cramping.

01:18:47.365 --> 01:18:49.355
because that cramping is the worst thing for sure.

01:18:49.951 --> 01:18:51.650
Yes, uh, cramping sucks.

01:18:51.701 --> 01:19:03.806
I experience that sometimes after a hard day outdoors and, you know, sometimes I'm, uh, I'm driving and I'm trying to, press my foot on the throttle of the brake and I find this cramp shoot up.

01:19:03.806 --> 01:19:05.106
It's, it's, it's super annoying.

01:19:05.106 --> 01:19:11.716
So maybe the, uh, sodium based additives, maybe some of those things could be helpful.

01:19:13.016 --> 01:19:18.426
One last listener question from Peter, before we get into some really fun ending questions.

01:19:19.936 --> 01:19:21.067
Lana, you have.

01:19:22.652 --> 01:19:24.521
Being a competitive athlete all your life.

01:19:24.992 --> 01:19:34.652
You've also been an investment banker, which from all accounts is not the lightest of careers to have.

01:19:35.072 --> 01:19:39.011
How have you kept all of this in balance?

01:19:39.051 --> 01:19:40.582
You also have a family.

01:19:41.014 --> 01:19:44.078
any unique insights into your own life?

01:19:44.622 --> 01:20:01.073
To be able to, uh, performing with your training, with the mental aspects, when you were working at Wall Street, let's say, would you wake up at 3am to go ride your bicycle before going to work?

01:20:01.662 --> 01:20:05.613
What kind of discipline and balance have you had?

01:20:06.425 --> 01:20:13.925
I've always been really disciplined around, as I said earlier, around, maintaining my fitness and, and creating the space to do that.

01:20:13.994 --> 01:20:25.954
And I, I learned early on in my business career that if I wasn't feeling good physically, then that would impact my mental capacity.

01:20:26.194 --> 01:20:39.673
I think that there's a tendency to, when you're starting your career, to think that, You've got to be there all the time and that, and that the, you know, if you're not there, the work's not going to get done and having priorities screwed up.

01:20:39.938 --> 01:20:51.948
it's super interesting coming out of COVID as I watched a lot of the young people and, and how the work life balance importance has changed significantly from when you and I were starting our careers.

01:20:52.398 --> 01:20:56.728
And maybe it's swung too far, you know, the other way, who knows?

01:20:57.180 --> 01:21:05.574
but, I would say having the discipline to, to make sure that you're doing something physical every day is, is really, really important for your mental health.

01:21:05.706 --> 01:21:06.676
and overall health.

01:21:07.064 --> 01:21:16.617
And so I've just always been super disciplined around that and, created the time to do it and knew that if I did it, that my performance in my job would always be better.

01:21:16.984 --> 01:21:24.274
and so, you know, to take the hour a day, made the other, 8, 9, 10, 12 hours, way more productive.

01:21:24.509 --> 01:21:25.588
That was what I learned.

01:21:25.615 --> 01:21:27.345
and so I was always really disciplined about it.

01:21:28.025 --> 01:21:37.645
The other tip that my dad gave me when I was first starting my business career was to put your, put your vacations in the calendar at the beginning of the year and go on them.

01:21:38.626 --> 01:21:40.655
And I just did that.

01:21:40.725 --> 01:21:41.765
I always just did that.

01:21:41.886 --> 01:21:47.805
And um, no matter what was going on at work, I, I've never cancelled a vacation in my entire life.

01:21:48.315 --> 01:21:50.786
And it's amazing.

01:21:50.845 --> 01:21:57.095
You come back and the world didn't stop and the work kept going and everything was fine.

01:21:58.185 --> 01:22:05.586
And so, again, I was lucky that I had a dad who had figured that out and had imparted that knowledge to me.

01:22:06.100 --> 01:22:17.373
and so, you know, I, I think, I think particularly for competitive people or high performing people, like there's a tendency to think that, you know, if I'm not there, it's not going to get done it's just not true.

01:22:17.623 --> 01:22:22.134
and so figuring that out at a relatively young age, I think, I think made, made a huge difference.

01:22:22.395 --> 01:22:28.345
I, I've been lucky that I've been able to prioritize my family and spend time with my kids along the way.

01:22:28.729 --> 01:22:39.077
That's been hugely important and, you know, in terms of their development, but also for me, um, selfishly somebody said to me along the way that, that there's no such thing as quality time.

01:22:39.176 --> 01:22:39.926
There's just time.

01:22:41.176 --> 01:22:44.806
And, and I think that's true, particularly when it comes to your kids.

01:22:45.292 --> 01:22:51.918
and so that, that was something that somebody said to me that, You know, struck me as being one of those truisms to live by that's really it for me.

01:22:51.958 --> 01:23:01.578
I, I've been really lucky, along the way to be able to do mostly what I want to do as it relates to, to the fun things in life.

01:23:01.578 --> 01:23:06.109
And I always say, I always try to say, yes, I always just try to say yes.

01:23:06.288 --> 01:23:11.338
Um, and you know, the work, the work, the work gets done, you figure out how to get the work done.

01:23:11.877 --> 01:23:18.328
Those life lessons from your dad are, you know, should be written on a plaque.

01:23:18.940 --> 01:23:28.810
The one, this one where plan your most important events of the year, which really is one's vacation should be sacrosanct and one should follow that.

01:23:29.331 --> 01:23:40.761
And the other one is, is not needing to respond to every message that comes in, in this day of all kinds of, uh, instant messaging.

01:23:40.791 --> 01:23:41.551
I think that is.

01:23:42.121 --> 01:23:44.506
a hugely vital one.

01:23:44.827 --> 01:23:58.284
Often, you know, unless one is an ER doctor or something, if one doesn't respond to things, often those things take care of themselves yeah, can't, can't, can't highlight them enough.

01:23:58.284 --> 01:24:04.244
If you were to go back your life 20 years, anything you would do differently?

01:24:05.010 --> 01:24:06.600
Oh, I would've started surfing earlier.

01:24:09.470 --> 01:24:10.239
Great answer.

01:24:10.274 --> 01:24:19.060
I, I wish I, as much, as much as I, as, I'm glad I've got it now, I, I would've loved to have started even, you know, even in my forties.

01:24:19.292 --> 01:24:20.882
I, I would've loved to have done that.

01:24:21.375 --> 01:24:34.391
no, you know, I, I, I, I've been, I've, I've lived a very fulfilling life and I, and, you know, and, and if God forbid I drop dead tomorrow, I, you know.

01:24:37.037 --> 01:24:40.027
No one's going to say he didn't live a full life.

01:24:40.046 --> 01:24:48.056
Um, so I've been super lucky to live a full life and, and, uh, and, and I, you know, I don't have a lot of time for looking back.

01:24:48.827 --> 01:24:52.157
It's, it's, it's, you know, it's not how I've lived my life.

01:24:52.157 --> 01:24:59.396
I, I, I, I tend to look forward and, um, you know, and I, and I try to do the things that I, that I want to do.

01:24:59.396 --> 01:25:09.292
I don't, you know, I don't have, I don't have bucket lists per se because I try, I just try and do the things that I want to do and I just go do them and, I've been super lucky that way.

01:25:09.323 --> 01:25:17.622
I, I've done some, you know, I've done some, when I, when I turned 40, I did look back on my life and looked at the things that I wish I'd done.

01:25:17.972 --> 01:25:19.372
versus what I had done.

01:25:19.372 --> 01:25:22.012
And out of that came bagpipes.

01:25:22.012 --> 01:25:29.682
I started bagpiping when I was 40 and, um, because I'd always wanted to bagpipe, but I never made time for it.

01:25:29.712 --> 01:25:34.903
And, and so I'd regretted that that was like at the top of my list of crazy things that I wish I'd done.

01:25:34.903 --> 01:25:40.480
And, and so, and now, you know, 21 years later, I'm a pretty proficient bagpiper you know, it played big.

01:25:40.661 --> 01:25:54.671
Played funerals and weddings and commencements and playing, I'm playing up on Saturday night with an ACDC cover band up in, up in Sonoma, playing, playing, uh, that, that epic, uh, song.

01:25:54.701 --> 01:25:57.751
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll with bagpipes in it.

01:25:57.751 --> 01:25:59.636
And I'm sitting in with them playing.

01:26:00.945 --> 01:26:08.284
So for me, it's, it's, it's mostly just about, figuring stuff out that I, that I wish I'd done doing it, just going and doing it.

01:26:09.484 --> 01:26:11.175
I used to love ACDC.

01:26:11.600 --> 01:26:12.130
as a kid.

01:26:12.189 --> 01:26:18.039
So besides one day hoping to surf with you, I also want to come and hear you, uh, play bagpipes.

01:26:19.539 --> 01:26:25.390
Final, final, uh, fun rapid fire questions before we let you go back to your afternoon.

01:26:25.645 --> 01:26:25.854

01:26:26.439 --> 01:26:29.689
Lionel, what about your life are you the most proud of?

01:26:31.864 --> 01:26:32.425
My kids.

01:26:33.439 --> 01:26:33.920

01:26:34.960 --> 01:26:37.210
Any dream waves you want to surf?

01:26:37.795 --> 01:26:41.895
I caught one wave at Waimea on a kind of, kind of okay day.

01:26:41.895 --> 01:26:44.795
I'd love to go back to Waimea on a, on a, on a good day.

01:26:45.335 --> 01:26:48.444
I'd really like to catch Waimea on it on a good day.

01:26:48.494 --> 01:26:49.835
That would be, that'd be super fun.

01:26:50.795 --> 01:26:54.555
Any book or movie that you have most recommended to others?

01:26:55.461 --> 01:27:05.578
Oh, well, the book that got me into surfing was Barbarian Days, which, if you, if you haven't, as a surfer, if you haven't read that book, you owe it to yourself to read that book.

01:27:06.126 --> 01:27:07.685
And I'm due to read it again.

01:27:07.958 --> 01:27:18.703
I've actually gone and surfed a lot of the breaks that, that he talks about in, in that, in that book, and I got to go back and read it and, compare it to what I, to what I've been able to do.

01:27:19.484 --> 01:27:25.453
It's kind of remarkable how many non surfers have told me that they loved that book.

01:27:26.033 --> 01:27:28.024
Bill Finnegan, gifted writer.

01:27:29.043 --> 01:27:31.654
Everybody go read, uh, Barbarian Days.

01:27:32.493 --> 01:27:36.833
And yeah, uh, what is a meal that you could eat every day?

01:27:39.753 --> 01:27:41.003
a meal I could eat every day.

01:27:41.033 --> 01:27:49.731
Well, I'd eat the meal I eat every day, which we talked about at the head, at the head of the show, which my, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty basic when it comes to food.

01:27:49.731 --> 01:27:52.671
I'm a kind of a meat and potatoes guy and I eat my cereal in the morning.

01:27:53.213 --> 01:28:01.802
if I was on a desert Island or if I had to go and, and, and I could only have one thing, it'd be a peanut butter and jam sandwich.

01:28:01.960 --> 01:28:02.899
I could live on that.

01:28:02.984 --> 01:28:04.635
I like that without any problem whatsoever.

01:28:04.960 --> 01:28:06.180
Crunchy or creamy?

01:28:07.595 --> 01:28:08.515
I like crunchy.

01:28:08.659 --> 01:28:09.130
me too.

01:28:09.210 --> 01:28:10.449
Good, good, good answer.

01:28:11.217 --> 01:28:13.207
It's been a delightful conversation, Lionel.

01:28:13.618 --> 01:28:21.507
I have had goosebumps the whole way as you have taken us through your journey into big wave surfing.

01:28:21.597 --> 01:28:24.467
Thank you so much for coming on the show today.

01:28:26.393 --> 01:28:35.762
Well, next time we'll have to talk about, uh, the, the surf accessories business that I started with John, John Florence and John Paizal, VEA supplies.

01:28:36.082 --> 01:28:54.765
and then, my friend Ryder Thomas, who's, who's got his, uh, destination surf resorts, Pegasus, which I was going to say that the, the wave I, the wave, I, I'm going to go back to soon is one of the Pegasus resorts is in Samoa, uh, on the island of Aganoa and, uh, and there's a barreling right.

01:28:54.954 --> 01:28:58.005
And I've been there twice and I wasn't a good enough surfer to actually get barreled.

01:28:58.005 --> 01:28:59.715
And now I think I could.

01:29:00.085 --> 01:29:02.645
So it's time to go back to back to Samoa.

01:29:02.685 --> 01:29:04.425
That would be the other place I would go for sure.

01:29:04.914 --> 01:29:10.725
If you need a deckhand for the boat, thanks a lot.

01:29:11.965 --> 01:29:12.314
We'll do it.

01:29:12.314 --> 01:29:12.545

01:29:12.564 --> 01:29:14.635
And, uh, we'll see you at Ocean Beach sometime.

01:29:15.064 --> 01:29:15.935
That would be amazing.

01:29:18.083 --> 01:29:19.194
What a fun chat.

01:29:19.529 --> 01:29:23.399
I'm an animated person to begin with, but I was really feeling it today.

01:29:24.239 --> 01:29:27.930
Lannan really does personify the easiest athlete.

01:29:28.619 --> 01:29:33.180
The guy did not even get into the sport until his fifties.

01:29:34.229 --> 01:29:35.640
Talk about trying new things.

01:29:36.359 --> 01:29:36.899

01:29:36.960 --> 01:29:39.300
Landon's been an athlete all his life.

01:29:39.989 --> 01:29:40.710
But wow.

01:29:41.100 --> 01:29:47.100
What was most inspiring was his love for learning his ability to find joy in the process.

01:29:47.579 --> 01:29:51.449
Returning over and over to the water after Bluetooth beatings.

01:29:51.783 --> 01:29:57.453
For Mazda waves and sessions where he left the ocean empty handed.

01:29:57.988 --> 01:29:59.009
But some are found.

01:29:59.301 --> 01:30:05.541
The gumption to return again with the curiosity and mindset of someone who truly feels.

01:30:05.810 --> 01:30:06.951
The love of being a learner.

01:30:07.761 --> 01:30:12.261
I think there's so much to learn here for both folks starting something new.

01:30:12.770 --> 01:30:13.940
As well as well.

01:30:14.900 --> 01:30:15.951
Crusty diehards.

01:30:16.761 --> 01:30:20.301
I was sometimes one of them who did not have a good time.

01:30:20.360 --> 01:30:22.310
If I didn't got enough waves.

01:30:22.761 --> 01:30:28.730
Oh, well, meet my own standards of performance while being in the ocean surfing.

01:30:29.871 --> 01:30:34.161
I'm certainly school here and we'll hope to borrow from landlords attitude.

01:30:34.400 --> 01:30:35.720
Next time I'm in the water.

01:30:36.890 --> 01:30:38.240
Thanks for tuning in again.

01:30:38.690 --> 01:30:41.030
If you have stayed with us this long.

01:30:41.541 --> 01:30:42.680
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01:30:43.041 --> 01:30:45.831
On the app, so you can keep getting the goodness.

01:30:47.211 --> 01:30:48.711
For a long time to come.

01:30:49.581 --> 01:30:55.100
Until next time, stay vulnerable, adventurous, and most of all, stay ageless.